Really, I've been needing to do this for a while. I frequently get compliments on my links.
The Funny:
You make me touch your hands for stupid reasons. Sound an absolute must on this one. Not a video.
Vagina Dentata. It's not a picture of anything terrifying, it's just a funny webcomic panel. SFW unless W objects to the mere words "penis" and "vagina."
The Useful:
Top table wines. For those who are too lazy to go to a wine store but just want direction for the grocery store wall o' wine.
LibriVox. Downloadable books on tape for free, all public domain.
Old Time Radio Fans. More downloadable free audio, this time it's old radio shows.
Infomercial ratings. An epinions type site just for infomercial products. For many of the products this could also go under "The Funny."
Just One Club Card. You plug in your club card numbers (grocery stores, drug stores, whatever) and it creates new barcodes all squeezed onto one card that you can print out and stick in your wallet.
The Thought-Provoking:
Welcome to CancerLand. An article critiquing "breast cancer culture." It really made me think.