Please pass the word along to anyone you know who might buy the kind of merchandise involved. I am out $25 from this person, barring the possibility of doing a chargeback to my debit card, and I want to make sure none of my friends (or friends of friends, or friends of friends of friends) get ripped off.
The seller is commonly known as Reckon, with the website and the Etsy shop Take a look at the etsy feedback. I placed my order just a few days before this person snapped and all of the negative feedback started pouring in. This seller keeps taking in orders, advertising a 3-4 week turnaround time, when my order placed in early December hasn't shipped and I haven't heard a peep about it.
Anyone who contacts the seller via e-mail or Etsy's messenger service gets psychotic rants in return, and never gets their shirt. Sample: I have been patient so far, knowing that any kind of confrontation with this seller would mean no shirt. Paypal disputes can only be initiated within 45 days, so my patience means that I have little recourse. I'm going to investigate doing a chargeback, but I am not sure whether my bank will do that with a debit card. I'm also dealing with the admins at Etsy to see what they can do. The shop needs to be shut down. The front page of his etsy site says that anyone with inquiries about their order should convo their phone number in. I'm NOT giving this psycho my phone number, thanks anyway!
We'll see what the admins do (they've known about these problems for months now, and haven't acted) but I want everyone to know. Please pass the word.