Dec 03, 2005 21:56
We put up our Christmas tree today! :) I had bought a fake one that was prelit and it didn't work (After checking it before putting it together). So I brought that one back last week. We went to Lowe's today and got a real one. It's beautiful! We have 600 white lights on it! :) And we put white lights on the patio as well. It looks very "Christmasy" around here. :)
I would post pics but my digital broke a while back. I'm supposed to be getting one for Christmas though! *Evil grin* So I'll be sure to take some before taking it down.
Well, that is all. Back to my crown and coke!
Good day~
p.s. This is too wierd. I mean, I'm not in Slidell, we're not in our apartment (even though this is OUR know what I mean), Mom is in a different place, family and friends are all over.....It's just strange.