May 18, 2013 15:55
Well its cold and mostly grey here, 12 minutes from the everywhere. Is it kinda pointless posting this out there since one one is really going to read it even if it does contain earth shattering revelations on the location of the holy grail? No. Not all questions have to be answered but I find that the search for them and acceptance some what cathartic.
I have noticed lately that dancing, well certainly the dance lessons have begun to bore me. By the time I get to documenting any stuff I've already gone over it a million times so the only one to whom this is new is you. Who ever you may be. I believe that I no longer find the classes challenging. Does this mean that I'm an expert, a better dance than Fred Astaire and One Direction? No, it just that I need to move to another level. Or more likely deconstruct everything I've learnt and polish up what I see as terrible technique. An assumption here. Will this one bite me on arse too?
Nonski is about the deliver, leaving Mr Taps minus his partner of 10 years. The Osteo has taken maternity leav , Murda has made the plans known and Russel is becoming more and more distant, slowly drifting towards apathy or perhaps worse.
Where does that leave me? Wanting things without having to earn them? Unsupported, misunderstood? Have decisions have been made without consultation? Did you want to be involved? Do you regret the path, that you took for other directions?
When one door closes another opens. Change is the only guarantee.
What is the perspective of a 400 year old tree ?