Random events of the day in 140 characters or less.
- 06:46 thinks tonight's leno has an interesting combination of guests - shaun white, sarah palin and adam lambert. sure. #
- 12:07 got a new kids dvd from shelley as a belated birthday gift. #
- 17:03 @ noodlesalad it was utterly ridiculous her no show last night. #
- 17:21 @ MaxizPad break a leg, you'll get through it. can't wait to see the show on sunday! #
- 17:33 @ noodlesalad not. even. close. #
- 19:04 always over-e
stimates the time it'll take her to walk the three blocks to rockne's. # - 19:34 enjoyed the mullet question on jeopardy. #
- 19:55 wonders if the answer is "the bacon." #
- 19:56 was right! gotta love bacon. #
- 20:51 is intrigued by the thought of bway people (including julia) reading poetry - tinyurl.com/ycqfbdf #
- 20:57 @ tamoshan first i've heard. looks amazing! there are some incredible people included. #
- 21:0
1 @ nashjill @tamoshan it sounds revolting. # - 21:04 @ tamoshan the random things i sometimes stumble across. #
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