I got back to Akron around 2pm this afternoon. A few bullet points until I get around to do full updates ...
- My Wicked count is officially up to double digits, with six of those performances featuring Carmen.
- Carmen totally remembered me at stage door, although I questioned it based on her reaction Thursday afternoon. We had a good chat Tuesday night though.
- Cliffton recognized me Tuesday from the matinee stage door. I didn't expect that.
- Went birding at Maple River Wetlands and saw a yellow-bellied flycatcher.
- I now own three cats, having inherited Ellie from my parents since they've been having social trouble between her and KitKat.
- Haven't had an opportunity to see The Dark Knight yet, although Greg saw it at 3am the day it opened and said it was fantastic.
- It was a long week with my parents and I was ready to bail by Monday if not for Wicked on Tuesday.
- Ran into Mrs. Rehmann, my third grade teacher, and there's the possibility of giving a talk to her class sometime this school year.
- The more time I spent at home, the more I realized how much I've outgrown it and moved on with my life. I missed Akron ... a whole heck of a lot.