the best part of waking up is folgers in your cup

Jul 22, 2006 09:47

Today I don't go into work until 3pm. My shift is 3pm to midnight. Can't say I'm exactly looking forward to it, especially since I'm normally asleep around 9pm or 10pm. I honestly don't know how I'm going to survive the last couple of hours without nodding off or working in a zombie-like state.

The reason for this ridiculous shift is the zoo's first black tie event. Throughout the summer we've had multiple late nights, but they've only run to 10pm at the latest. For this, the animals can't be brought in until 11pm. Now, keep in mind that the exhibit lighting sucks so you really can't see the animals to begin with, not to mention the fact that they're all going to be confused and might not want to come in when they're supposed to. And the fact that the jag cubs haven't been coming in at 5:30pm on normal days should be interesting. Good times ahead, guaranteed.


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