Fall is awesome...

Sep 18, 2006 00:29

Dear Diary,
Well I'm going job hunting tomorrow morning/afternoon. I feel like I've missed the job bandwagon because it's too late, but I'll still try my damndest. I've found a new friend. So that's cool. I can always use one of those. School is going great. I don't know how many of you realize this, but I've switched back to Journalism/English and I couldn't be happier.

I feel like the last two years were great in the sense that I've found the people that I will keep in contact for the rest of my life, but so horrible and miserable in the sense that I was doing something that made me feel so crappy. I love music to death and it will always be a part of my life, but the constant, daily battle with teachers and professors telling me that I wasn't good enough and that I wasn't trying hard enough took so much energy from me and was sucking the life force right out of my soul. I don't think many realized how truely unhappy I was. To never get positive feedback from anyone, to be told that I was in the wrong area, that I was a horrible musician, that I couldn't cut it was ridiculas. I've never had so many negative attitudes pointed in my direction at once. I can even see the physical effects it took on me. I gained so much weight after my freshman year, my sleeping habits were shot, I felt sick more often then not.

The sense of relief I have now is awesome. I'll still be very invovled in music, but it's going to be for me and I'll enjoy it now. The beginning of the summer I couldn't even touch a piano and by the end I was able to play again and feel good about it. So life is good. When I get a job, it will be even better. So that's my story for today. Fall is coming and it's my favorite time of year.

Over and out Eric fans!
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