(no subject)

May 31, 2005 13:03

Mmmm k finally its my day off again. Had to work all weekend which is sorta ok cause papa needed to make some bank haha. I was pretty happy most of the customers were pretty cool and just wanted to have a beer and chill but you always get your fair share of tools this time of year. Ya know the kind of guys that go ahead and sport a really tight shirt and act all hard... ya so im cashing somebody out at the computer and one of these hosses comes up to me and says "hey pedro I'll take the bill" haha of course i was good and said ok or whatever but my inner dialogue was something along the lines of "do i look mexican to you?" why dont i put my foot in your ass? honestly, pedro? I've heard tex and I've heard boss but pedro was kinda funny for some reason.

I noticed that everyone was out galavanting around this weekend like naughty boys and girls and poor joshy was workin so i decided to kill a ton of naty's with scotty and Is last night. Things went as you might expect it was good to relax for a while... so no need for me to elaborate on that, but as a little side note i would like to mention that, yes that composite wood board junk burns pretty good just in case you were wondering. Anywho im off to hit up the bank and put some much needed money INTO the bank for once so later...
Oh yea as a little bit of randomness I think the old spice commercial is right scent is the strongest sense tied to memory... anybody else think this is true cause it totally was for me yesterday haha.
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