(no subject)

Nov 07, 2005 23:56

So let me recap yet again before I make a post:
*well... i forget so screw that
That boyfriend that was here to say... yeah.. HA! not here. He dumped me. I have never been dumped before, yet I was. It was hard for me because I had done nothing wrong. He said it was because I was a good girlfriend and he wasnt ready for a relationship. Damn...
Anyways, beyond that, I have become even closer to Mary and her boyfriend Mark. We love to hate eachother. I actually think we are going to get an apartment together next year (minus Mark that is...) I know he will be there but thats cool because he is cool and he will kill all those horrible bugs for us. I will also be able to cook and have a room to myself. Dont get me wrong. Having one room is cool but sometimes i just feel too cluttered.
I hooked up with Kyle again... nothing bad or anything. He actually made a move on me. I could tell it was like he felt it like he used to. I know it wasnt just a hook up for him. I KNOW IT. I just don't know why he is hiding it or scared of dating me. I guess I will never know. I'm not bitter or upset about it anymore because I realize there is nothing I can do and I would do everything but there is no point going for someone who cant see that. One day he will realize what he lost...
**In other news... Sausage backwards sounds like Jesus.

I have a christmas tree in the room yet its still not decorated. I'm sad that MSU can't win a game. However, I was on the jumbo tron this weekend while I was singing with the choir for the patriotic half time show! =) that TOTALLY made my day. Then I took a nap with somebody and then had a pizza party with mary, mark, trey, and justin. They were cheese and pepperoni if you wish to know...

I'm thinking about dropping out of ABX. Its just not what I desired to be in. Its not organized very well, and the girls of SAI really want me.. ITs the music sorority. It just seems more up my alley. Also, Im really nervous about going to Nashville. I'm afraid I'm going to end up being cut off from my world here, lose all my friends, and become a social outcast. Its a very scary thought for me. I am a huge people person and since I will be so far away, I know nobody will visit. But i guess I will deal with that when the time comes

I have a choir concert coming up. Hopefully that will turn out well. The first one was very successful! I wish everyone could have been there. Thats it.
Liz is outta here...
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