May 28, 2006 23:58
This was a reply that I left to someone that is very unhappy about me and I just wanted some folks to see it.
Ok here I go, I have been busy with work so I am going to do a little catch up. Now first of all you had no right to get into the conversation between Jennifer and I. She asked a question and I answered it with the truth. At no point were you involved in that question. So that right there should have been the end of all the online talking.
Now on to what you have said since. You have decided to attack not only me and my roommate but also some of the things that I hold closer to my heart than I ever did you, my snakes. Never EVER make a comment about my snakes being killed in any way shape or form. You understand this fact right here, I don't take kindly to threats or comments made to them and I promise that I will make your life a living hell if it happens again. O I know you and your little friends will go o look at James over reacting about a comment about his snakes. Those snakes are my future and my passion, so don't talk about them. And by the way its venom not poison you uneducated imbecile.
Now also on to other stuff that was said. Things pertaining to our life between the sheets. Yea that was a dull life. Your vagina is like the Grand Canyon. Hey the NFL called and said the next Super Bowl is being held in your vagina and they also discovered extra space for parking. You can make all the small penis jokes to make you feel better but let me tell you, my current girlfriend, the actual love of my life, doesn’t complain at all and I promise when she screams its for real. It sucked having sex with you. You were just another way for me to get off. Now you know the truth.
And look at one time in our relationship I thought I loved you but I apparently did not fully understand true love. I never meant to crush your precious little heart. And how the hell did you think that we were going to last forever I mean damn we dated off and on for the longest time. You annoyed the hell out of me and you became psycho. Don't blame the psycho shit on me either. You are somewhat considered an adult now, fucking act like one. I have said this over and over again and I will say it for another time. You try to blame all your damn problems on other things because you are too much of a pussy (no pun intended) to take responsibility for your actions. Learn to get over shit for one. I did not rip your heart out and destroy you or whatever the hell else you want to say I did. I saw that our relationship sucked and that I did not want to be friends with you so I ended that relationship and friendship.
Now lets talk about the long list of things you wanted to call me. "pompus, arrogant, stubborn, hateful, evil, lying, pretending, sarcastic, two-faced, piece of shit"
ok pompous is how you spell it for one. Now pompous and arrogant kinda redundant because they mean the same thing. Now I do think highly of myself and will a lot of the time put my self above others but you know what I don't always think that’s a bad thing because it keeps me happy and gets me where I want and need to go.
Stubborn= well I am set in my ways and tend to think I am right many times. This is a good quality because it means I don't give in to stuff I don't believe in and fight for what I do believe.
Hateful and evil= well seeing as I have not slashed your tires or killed your favorite pet I do not believe I am either one of these things. I mean I strongly dislike you and yes probably hate you because of all this shit you have said but that doesn’t really make me hateful in the since you are using it. Evil, come on I have never stolen anything or murdered anyone so I am not evil in my eyes.
Lying= HA I rarely lie trust me I tell you what I think of you and I hold nothing back and I have never lied to you EVER so I really don't think you should be using that one either.
Pretending= well that goes along with lying. I have no reason to pretend so therefore I never have. I am me, take it or leave it and I don't give a shit what people think of me. So I do not pretend.
Wow really batting 1000 here aren’t you.
Sarcastic= wow you found one that can really describe me. But name someone, anyone that has never used sarcasm EVER. So see not really a horrible thing.
Two-faced, piece of shit= well to faced goes back to the lying and pretending, wow do you see how much you repeated yourself there. Piece of shit ok seriously not going to touch that one.
Now the new list of things you should have said are as follows:
Lets replace stubborn with adamant. That sounds better and means the same thing and I agree I am adamant about things I believe. You can keep sarcastic because well I am and that is not a problem. WOW I cut that long list down to two words I am adamant about my beliefs and sarcastic in my since of humor.
To continue with what was said about me. You wish I would die. Wow that’s really strong and "hateful" maybe. But then you go on to say you wish you did not know about it. Well that is kind of chicken shit isn’t it. I mean how can you wish for something so "evil" and then not want to know about it. I mean god forbid I were killed and you found out. That would be horrible it would be almost like it was your fault and then you would feel so bad. But you know what, forget about it because you rather not know, that way you can go on living your horribly depressive life while at the same time blaming others for your shortcomings as a person.
Now me on the other hand. If you died I want to be the first to know. I would write it in the sky with smoke. Post up flyers and invite everyone to a party. Because see I can live with myself if I were to wish something so horrible upon someone as death. But that’s me. So to test that theory, go ahead and slice your arms again but this time don’t be a quitter. Go all the way, all the way to a major vein and bleed to death, but make sure you leave a note so I know.
Now that may be seen as hateful but I just wanted to stoop down on your level for a little while and try it. It was fun but I will now go back to my life that is, thank god, Mary Beth free. I am happier now than ever and everything is going right. Sorry your life apparently has gone down the crapper or whatever but you know what we wouldn’t be talking to you about this shit now if you would have just left the shit said between me and Jennifer, alone. Now run along and complain and you and your friends bitch at what I said but I don't care. I sat here and took your shit and now I figured I would through a little myself.