Jan 11, 2005 21:05
Well, I don't really have much to say. Classes started on monday, wooo hooo....
I'm so fricking busy with everything.
Monday I go to work at 8am and stay til 2ish then I go to aerobics (hard I know lol) then Sociology and I get home about 8-830ish. 12 hours away from home YEAH and guess what Wednesday is the exact same :(
Tuesday and Thursday are better but harder classes. I go to work at 8 as usual then go to Nutrition and Physiology and go back straight back to work at 3-5ish. I get home by 530 but it still is a long ass day.
Friday however is easy. Work 8-2 and that's it :)
I'm sure you all wanted a play by play of my week.
I had to put my cat down this past weekend. It was soo sad. I seriously want to cry about it everytime I think about her. She was only 10 which is young for a cat and even though he hated most people the last few weeks of her life she was soo nice. I don't know if we did the right thing or not, I felt like we were playing god and in no way do we have that right. Her tumors were breaking through her skin, that couldn't have been comfortable. :(
My roomate and I are using DDR to work out. Its hilarious by the end I just am jumping around being an ass cause I really can't play the game. I want it for when I move home though.
That's a topic I can talk about. I am realizing all the things I'm going to miss at home. I think that in the end it will be worth it but still, girls movie night and just cooking dinner with my roomate. Its gonna be weird but I'm sure by the end of the summer I'll be fine.