Nov 22, 2005 21:30
I have been getting the feeling lately that i might not be enough for some of my friends. I feel the pressure to entertain these people or that there need to be excuses in order for these people to want to hang out with me. Like just hanging out with me isnt enough, there needs to be some serious plan of action. Maybe I am not right for these people or maybe it is that these people are not worth it. I should not feel pressure to make these people happy. I am a good person and these people should want to be my friends and should want to enter into weird situations if it means being around someone they consider a friend. If I invite someone to do something and they agree I should not be made to feel bad becuase it might not be an ideal situation for them. Maybe this is selfish of me or maybe this is even too cryptic for some people out there in LJ-land to understand but I am upset by this. I dont even know who my real friends are anymore.