Dec 16, 2004 07:37
Well here we are closer to the end of the year.....
Jeff is still legally blind and told he will remain that way.......and life goes on.....
We attended a 2 day party last weekend that I was great.....Friday we just did the "hang out in the hotel room and have drinks and eat in" thing.....Saturday was another story.....during the day we had people in and out of our room. Went to dinner as planned....a large group did show. Then on to the club to find that the party almost didn't happen. The club owner's girlfriend has "issues" with us for some reason and didn't want us having the party. BUT through the grace of a friend who works there, we had the party. My friend did a LOT of talking and telling them they would have to call OVER 100 people and explain WHY we were not having the party. But we had it....100 or so showed...I wore my NEW blue corset over a black dress. IT WAS A SUCCESS. I think the coloring was good because Jeff could make it out and see what it looked like and that makes me happy. It is nice when the man you love can see how you look when you look good. I got MANY compliments on the corest and many wnat to buy one from me (too bad I don't make them for others)
I was thinking on the note of making corsets......a group I am in has a gathering every 3 months....I could advert to take measurements at one party for a corset delivery at the next.....BUT only pick up a few (how ever many I care to make) and stick to only a few styles (simple & easy to size).
and live goes on
I am tired, so tired......all the running is getting to's appointments every week to get Jeff's health where it needs to be. I *think* we are free next week (YIPPIE!) but with it being Christmas and the presents are not done, this will be quiet an "odd" Christmas for us. I think many will have Christmas from us in January. I have not finished the presents for the out of town families so the shipping has not happened....and honestly I don't think it will this year.
and life goes on
and on
and on
and on