Oct 16, 2008 22:26
i think this is the longest i've gone without posting in quite some time. i know you are all eagerly waiting for an update from me. yeah right.
my first topic is a short rant about all this political stuff going around campus at iupui. i just want to say people are ignorant. more specifically a lot of christians are ignorant and make me understand more and more why people are so turned off to christianity. i'm walking down the sidewalk and read numerous pro-mccain sayings written in sidewalk chalk. simple things like vote mccain, retarded things like save babies vote mccain. then the kicker....jesus loves mccain. i saw that and immediately felt my stomach turn and my annoyance build. i am in no way political. i'm not endorsing any candidate.but guess what.....jesus loves obama too. gasp! whatever, these people who want to vote republican simply because it's the only way a christian "should" vote are truly missing out on what it feels like to be open minded and make a decision through your own research. end rant.
in case anyone hasn't talked to me recently i love my new home and my new roommate. it's going better than ever. we're great friends and get along really well. nice change of pace. and i'm learning to love the three cats. lol. just kidding i already love them.
lastly if anyone cares to know i am taking next semester off of school. i am beyond burn out. therefore i quit for a semester. start back up next fall. bad news is this will put me behind a whole year instead of just a semester. oh well i'm already taking forever, what's another semester.
actually this is my last thing to say...i hate the bmv. my license has been suspended for some time now because of some trouble i got into. i got a bunch of notices in the mail the other day one of which said my license was reinstated as of 9/30/2008. i got excited and relieved that i could finally have my independence back. i started driving although i did not have an actual plastic license.(it was taking from me when my license was suspended) anyway, i went to the bmv to get my license, then they tell me oh no your license is still suspended. grrr. i had to call some other office for them to tell me i need to send in some more forms, jump through 39483 more hoops, then my license might for real be reinstated. the whole thing is ridiculous. really. i just want my license back.