Jul 22, 2007 23:09
should i update this thing? i mean really, should i take the time? ok fine. you win.
the most exciting thing that happened this weekend is the fact that i saw daughtry, staind, and nickelback in concert. daughtry did a great job opening, staind was boring and disappointing, and nickelback freakin rocked the house. scary moments of the night: me getting almost knocked completely over in the lawn when some big girl got pushed into me, kylee almost killing a guy for touching her butt, and lots of empty plastic cups all over the stairs while walking down them on our way out. haha
minus staind, the concert was very entertaining and totally worth the money. i wanna go back! oh wait i am. aug 10 family values tour...evanescence, korn, flyleaf, and a few other bands i can't remember. after the concert was over, kylee and i decided to chill until traffic cleared out. we had our own little party in the car while waiting. good times as always. then about a 45 min-hour drive home took about 2 hours for some odd reason which may or not have to do with our pit stop at village pantry, me being half asleep and taking the wrong exit, and still getting stuck in traffic trying to get to I-69. oh and i'd just like to add that kylee was half/pretty much sleeping the whole way home and said the most ridiculous things ever. i was having so much fun with her because i would play along and keep the conversation going until she'd say what am i talking about? lol
this was pretty much the most pointless entry ever.