Olde Business posted

Feb 13, 2008 17:31

 originally  written 2/6/08

Various and Sundry

First and foremost,

Congrats to the Superbowl Champion New York Giants!! annd their fans.

As a casual football fan I loved sundays game. Anytime a ny team beats a Boston team - its a beautiful thing :-)

Also anytime  Bill Belichick can have humble pie crammed up his cranium is a thing of joy. I'm most happy for Eli Manning, who only a few months ago was being ridden out of town on a rail, is now the talk of the town. His throw while eluding the patriots Richard Seymour and the subsequent catch by David Tyree, will be talked  about for decades.

Isn't this a great headline from the Boston Globe or what :-)

In more local news, a pharmacy not far from my house was found out to a storehouse for Steroids and HGH!. I have gone there for years. I t looks like a small mom and pop type place, an increasing rarity in NYC these days. Also the owner was recently found dead (aparrently a suicide) in an office above the store
click here for details

Last but not least I just finished a marvelous little tome by Anthony Lewis Freedom for the thought that we hate : a biography of the First Amendment.  It is a retelling, in plain english, of the major Supreme Court Cases and how they aided in developing what we know see as the freedoms given to us all thorugh the first amendment. He is not afraid to excoriate the courts when they fell down as well as praise them when they got it right. He does the same for the Press, being just but harsh when they "fell asleep" while bush was dismantling the constituition and making a mad power grab for the executive branch. Amust for anyone who wants the inner workings of the relationship between our freedoms and the judicial branch. Magisterially brillant.
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