
Mar 23, 2013 19:19

Oh geez lj, it's been a long time, huh?

So here's what's up: I've got a book out, Zebra Feathers, which you can buy here:

and I'm performing on an internet radio show tomorrow night which you can listen to here: The show runs 6pm-8pm EDT-- my set is 15 minutes, will probably be ~6:15pm.

In other news, I'm still living in Seattle, making this the longest I've lived in the same place since leaving NYC in 2001, and I'm still dating Oscar, making this the longest relationship I've ever been in. Our 3rd anniversary is in June. I happily anticipate spending the rest of my life with him, but want to wait a couple years yet before formally proposing.

I lost my job as a game tester a couple weeks ago, but am not terribly worried about it-- applied at a used computer parts store a friend works at, would be pretty surprised if I don't get that.

I don't slam anymore-- I came to the conclusion that the competition messes with my head. I don't like the way I find myself thinking and acting when competition is involved--can't even handle it as an uninvolved spectator, unfortunately. Perhaps as a direct consequence, these days almost all my friends are furries-- I have very few connections left within the poetry world. This used to bother me, but I've gotten used to it, and it seems to've helped my writing, in that I've gotten back to writing for myself again. I think getting the book out helped with that, too.

I hope you are all well, lj folks. Maybe I'll see you again another time.
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