"So no change there, then.
posted by Neil Gaiman 3/31/2004 12:31:20 PM
Well, on the good side, I would appear to be the next President of the USA at Presidential Deathmatch 2004. On the downside, I have Lord Havelock Vetinari as my Vice-President, Terry Pratchett's Patrician. Which means that my main function as President of the USA would be to think I'm in charge, be a prime assassination target and the butt of the anger of the crowds, while my Vice-President actually runs the country, dictates foreign policy, and keeps me in office (and alive) as long as I'm useful to him..." (from neilgaiman.com)
http://www.livejournal.com/users/useless_caucus/ <---(to continue the story)
Wow. If that actually happened, that would be the best thing to evar happen to the US. Best. Seriously. Though Neil Gaiman is completely right, Vetinari is just like all those creepy people in history we read about who run the country, while the kings do nothing (Bismarck. Richelieu. Disraeli and Gladstone. Cavour. But mostly Bismarck...).