Another day fighting with the fibromyalgia demons. I was exhausted and achy before going out, and a small(ish) shop around Lidl took the remaining energy I had. I'm not convinced I'm going to get much programming done today, but we'll see.
Yesterday took a non-traditional study route, but I think it was Very Useful. It started when I'd commented how hungry I was, and the idea of nachos was particularly appealing. In fact, my statement was that "I'd stab the neighbour for a good plate of nachos."
This of course got me wondering just how good a plate of nachos would have to be to make it stab-worthy. [Hypothetically speaking. Obviously.] Then I realized that it might make a good Java exercise. I mean, they do say you should program what you're interested in. ;-)
So spend the early afternoon working on creating array list for perfectNachos and offeredNachos, and then combined double for loops to compare the two. Based on the results, either the offeredNachos were worth stabbing the neighbour for, or they weren't. (Or they were close, with suggested tweakings. But that's still a WIP.)
I'm not done with the app yet - I'd like to make the user interface GUI-friendly instead of text-based, I want to make the comparison method allow partial matches, and based on advice from
mtbc, I'm not convinced sets may be easier to handle than array lists. But more importantly, I'm feeling good about the fact that I clearly know more about these things than I did a year ago, and I'm enjoying playing with it.
And I still have plans on making a Bejeweled-clone game, substituting the various incarnations of The Doctor for the gemstones.