Jan 18, 2013 08:14
I play the "Star Wars: The Old Republic" MMO. As you may or may not imagine, the originality level of naming one's characters varies widely. I've seen a million different spellings of Han Solo and Aragorn, plus Darth Red Solocup, Darth Duckphartz, and worse.
But last night, as a bunch of guildmates and I were hanging around some dive bar, who should walk in but Crunch Buttsteak. I immediately fired off at him, "LUMP BEEFBROTH!" We traded David Ryder names for a few minutes, then lost interest, and he wandered away. By this time, most of the kids in my guild were completely lost as to the reference.
I said, "Youtube 'The Many Names of David Ryder' and gain wisdom, my children."
In 5 minutes, everyone had their favorite and were demanding to be called by that particular name for the rest of the night.
Score one for Mike and the Bots!
space mutiny