Drabble: Cue Card

May 05, 2007 22:01

Prompt: Cue Card
Characters: Jack Shephard, Juliet Burke
Rating: PG
Word count: 65
Warning: Spoilers for episodes 3x16, “One of Us”, and 3x18, “DOC”
Disclaimer: This is a fictional, nonprofit work for entertainment purpose only. The copyright in the TV show LOST and its components is owned by "American Broadcast Companies, Inc.", which reserves all rights therein.

PRETEND I’m not showing you this.
We’re on a blind spot, but there’s still the MIKES.

BEN wants to KIDNAP the fertile/pregnant WOMEN from your camp.
I have my own reasons to hate him.

We need to think of a way to OFF HIM without wasting our chances of leaving the island.

If you disagree, say “stop, it’s not right”.
If you’re in, KISS ME.

juliet burke, fandom: lost, genre: mystery, genre: drabble, jack shephard, jacket, genre: romance

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