I am not a nice girl

Dec 09, 2003 23:36

Today was my secret santa day at work. The person I was buying for wanted a packet of cigarettes. He nearly got the Bell Jar instead but I relented and bought him Stupid White Men. It seems wrong to inflict The Bell Jar on people at Christmas time.

His face lit up when he opened his gift. It made walking around in intolerable heat and nearly being trampled by several anxious tourists worth it.

Instead of getting a secret santa I got lollies, a book, a huge card and money (?!) as a goodbye gift from the people I work with. It was touching and weird. I didn't expect it and I was moved and I was kind of…"but I don't even like most of you people!" there are a lot of comments about my cheerful personality and bright, happy face. There's also obligatory messages about how much I'll be missed. Now, a lot of the card stuff is crap, the actual collecting of gifts and putting in of money? from the same people who squirm if they have to put two dollars in for someone's birthday? it's heartfelt. They love me.

I'm friendly with the people at work but I'm a friend to none. I'd swap shifts if someone needed me to and I'd share lunch but that's as far as it went. I didn't want to get too close because it seems so messy and prone to backstabbery behaviour.

People are often worth the mess they bring. I've missed out on god knows who and god knows what. I hope that people think I'm worth my mess. I hope I'm actually worth my mess.
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