Oct 04, 2006 10:39

771. that's my new credit score
up 51 points from last year
maybe when i hit 800 i can go ahead and get married
or maybe when i hit 800 i can postpone marraige until i hit 825 :P

in other news, the reunion was pretty good. besides the fact that the sheer thought of 10 years made me do a lot of internal reflection, the event itself was fine. there were a lot of people that i recognized but couldnt place their names even though we'd spent a decent amount of time hanging out together school. of my core group of friends, only a handful showed up. natasha was a noshow, so was kandou although he never said he was coming. nordia and arlene are missing in action. yamala was there -- yay! and so were sean, scott, wendy, robert, ethere were, of course, the pretentious people who came ready to brag. one guy showed up in his work uniform. a pair of tacky too-tight khaki pants and a polo shirt with his company name stitched onto it. he claims he had to fly down to nyc right from a career fair in albany. whatever. he's the classic short man with a napolean complex --- he needed to chat himself up. dude. it's a reunion. there's have more than enough opportunities to tell people you're an engineer without having the come in costume.

as for me, i told people some people i'm a bookeller, told others i'm in retail, and saved the in-depth explaination for people who care. everyone seemed to be doing well for themselves but then again the people who would probably come to these things are unlikely to be losers.
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