Where is My Mind?

May 23, 2012 22:09

I've been off my computer for a week or two, mostly posting to Facebook and Fetlife from my phone. I had foot surgery and was laying down a LOT. Now I'm doing amazing things, like sitting and walking and today I even drove a car and did not kill anyone or myself thereby.

So. Here's the short-attention-span stuff that's been going up on FB for the past week-ish, earliest posts first. Adoring fans, here's some fan kibble. Bear in mind that some of these posts were made under the influence of painkillers and also, not everything was posted on Facebook cuz I just decided to fill in some stuff I forgot to post about before:

- I got to go see burlesque at a dyke bar tonight with some friends. That was pretty cool. I hardly coughed at all. I also met up earlier with some other friends at Pints and had a ginger beer with vodka in it. ::smacks lips::. It was so tasty, I didn't want a drink at the dyke bar because it wouldn't be ginger beer with vodka.

- I'm surprisingly happy that so many people at the fat chick clothing swap went away with so many of the things I'd brought. I must've emptied out half my closet and it was so cool to see people trying on things I can't or just don't wear anymore, seeing how great the outfits looked on them, and seeing them go away happy. And I got a new (to me) dress and some comfy long shorts. Woo! Thank you, Shanna Katz, for hosting.

- I'm so ready to have my foot fixed. I feel like a horse that needs shoeing.

- "The Italian chick in the Abarthe commercial is insanely, ridiculously hot." Captain Obvious

- If surgery on my foot Wednesday doesn't mitigate or obliterate the pain in my leg, I'm going to be confused and annoyed and, uh, still hurting for no a parent sneason. Which will suck. I am very tired of my body finding exciting new ways to glitch. I'm capable of amusing myself in other ways.

- Bones on 7th and Grant has pretty good (delicious) soup, but their Vietnamese coffee is an experience to be assiduously missed. Duck and roll if they bring it near you.

- I need to get off my butt and make some playlists on my ipod. I have a client who hates rap and I think the ipod can tell. It almost never plays rap unless they're here.

- Black lingerie used to be the epitome of seductive elegance, to me. Now it's just underwear that matches my outfit.

- Stuck in my head. Get it out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEU_5lVjRFQ

- I've been a good grownup today. I was half an hour early to work AND I had breakfast for me and a smoothie for Mina. I did grocery shopping so I'd have the last few things I'll need for the next several days post-surgery, I gave a woman with a lot of grocery bags a ride home. I filled my tank alllll the way up with gas. I went to the bank and made a deposit and got change for the cash box for Friday's party. I got sheets changed. I got groceries put away. I called ALL the involved parties for tomorrow's surgery and found out who's already been paid and who still needs to be paid and how much and when I'm going to have to get prescriptions filled and what I can and can't eat and when I can and can't eat it. Talked to the anaesthesiologist. Processed some emails. What else... got nuts to take with me so I will have something to eat besides the crackers they usually give people afterwards.

I'm going to have to take the polish off the nails of both of my feet, even though they're only slicing open one of them. Ain't no way I can walk around with just one set of toes polished.

And now, it's a waiting game. ::cue sinister music::

- Jeff's making a bunch of chicken thighs on the grill so I'll have easy protein to snatch outta the fridge for a few days. The neighbor is dropping very big hints about how great it smells and how he sure does like Jeff's BBQ. Back off, fucker. That shit's all mine.

- I got to watch my surgery. Most of it, anyway. I drew arrows on two of my toes pointing to the spot where the cutting was supposed to happen. I was glad I did because every person on the medical staff BUT the surgeon asked me which foot they'd be working on. The anesthesiologist was able to turn me on and off like a light switch so I could watch the parts I wanted to watch (Spock foot, nerve coming out) and be out for the parts I didn't want to deal with (having big needles jammed deep into my foot).

- I haven't taken any percocets yet. The pain doesn't seem to have kicked in. Maybe I'll go all Doomsday prepper and hang on to them so I'll have barter items when the apocalypse hits. Or if it's a nuclear winter sitch, take them all at once, cuz I don't have a good nuclear winter jacket.

- Having the unfair advantage of not being alive, Percocet was able to outwait me. It will not win the constipation battle, though, because I just ate a huge bowl of veggies and some tuna salad. Try to keep me from pooping, will you? Prepare to learn what failure tastes like. Hint: it tastes like poop.

- I'm about to read my first Tananarive Due. My expectations are set on stun.
I'm liking her already. There's a cat named Teacake, which is a nod to one of my favorite books (Their Eyes Were Watching God) by one of my favorite writers (Zora Neale Hurston). I am bracing myself for excellence.

- I am completely done being butch about the painkillers. I am, however, going to have to remember that eating a yogurt cup does not constitute a 'full stomach'.

- Having to stay off my feet is getting reeeeally boring. Walking HURTS and the wound is still bleedy. Entire foot, top *and* bottom, is one big bruise. Bitch moan whine kvetch complain gripe. Glad I have books and games and can do some computer-based work on my phone.

- I have the gait of the average zombie. And the attitude.

- I'm catching up on a few episodes of Nurse Jackie. What the flying fuck kind of orange monstrosity maternity thingy is Dr British Chick wearing in the dream sequence? It's like a super ruffly pumpkin. It looks very expensive and very weird. I love it. I hate it.

- My 13yo niecephew came out to his mom and dad as bi today. They're beside themselves with glee that he told them and promised (per his request) that if they couldn't get him to Pridefest this year, his aunty would take him. He's also some flavor of genderqueer, which is going to be absolutely fascinating to help/watch him explore. Can't wait to get him to Rainbow Alley.

- O Vicodin! How I love thy non-constipational properties and thy ability to take the muhfunn edge off.

- Kenzi just said 'reverse cowgirl' on "Lost Girl". I know what that is from being on escort boards. I did not expect to hear it on a very bad fantasy/scifi show. And then I heard it again on an episode of "Archer". Less of a surprise there.

- I keep thinking there should be a service that delivers stuff like massages and oral sex and superb handjobs. I wonder what that'd look like and then it hits me: escorts. Duh. I mustve taken naps in loosely closed plastic bags as an infant.

- My friend Amberkatt posted this for me, and I love it:
*A Morning Song To Cheer You Up*

O Sozzlebee, O Sozzlebee,
I hope your sore foot's healing!
O Sozzlebee, O Sozzlebee,
I hope your sore foot's healing!
They cut the nerve, and sliced the skin,
and poorly sewed it back again.
O Sozzlebee, O Sozzlebee,
I hope your sore foot's healing!

- Banzai actually thanked J for a treat today. The treat was a hamburger. He's so spoiled, he's been spitting out dog biscuits. He holds out for the good stuff.

- Every time I look at my toes sticking out of the gauze and wrap, I think somehow some indigo fabric dye bled into my skin. Then I realize it's just the bruising. It is an alarming color.

- Banzai did a smart. I was eating watermelon with a friend. He loves watermelon, but the slices need to be fairly thick for him to be able to move them around. He was having trouble with a piece, so I picked it up and held it by the rind for him. Instead of trying to take it from he, he immediately recognized that I was trying to help him and nibbled at the melon while I held it. He does not get enough credit for thinking on his paws sometimes.

- J asked Wilbur yesterday to come outside and get brushed. Wilbur came into the bathroom where I was. J asked him if he wanted a bath. Wilbur walked back out of the bathroom very quickly. J asked, "Bath or brush?" Wilbur looked at the brush, then led the way to the door to the yard. Definitely brush.

- Thanks to the person who sent this to me. Not sure if he/they want to be tagged or not in a NSFW post: http://www.sm-wohnmoebel.com/start/start/startseite.html

- "I agree to the fisting, but I'd really like to claim your ass." Awwww, yeah. http://www.jest.com/video/174214/gilbert-gottfried-reads-fifty-shades-of-grey

- What's for dinner: Chicken, yellow bell pepper, zucchini, macadamia nuts sauteed in olive and sesame oil with gf tamari and crushed red pepper.

- Tananarive Due has, among other titles, four books in a series. I got the first one on kindle a few days ago for about $10. I went to get the second one last night and it was $38 on kindle. Say WHAT? The third and fourth are $9.99, but the second is $38. I'll be looking it up on Amazon's used books, cuz fuck that.

- I saw "Smoke Signals" was on tv earlier, already in progress, and when I clicked to it, it was right at my favorite part where they sing "John Wayne's Teeth". Adam Beach is always good eye candy, but the guy who played Thomas really made the whole movie. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPnV2392Tck

nothing in particular

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