Random-ish Stuff

Apr 10, 2012 13:26

I've been doing most of my short attention span posts over on Facebook, but feel disloyal to LJ, so I'm going to copy and paste some recent FB posts here for your amoooozmunt:

- I am sucking *badly* at Zelda-The Ocarina of Time for Nintendo 3DS. I didn't even realize how badly I was sucking til I pulled up some YouTube walkthroughs and realized that people are expected to have gotten the freakin ocarina before they get to the Lost Woods. Where's the damned ocarina? I am not looking forward to having to learn to play it to solve puzzles/pass levels, but not having it appears to not be an option. This is one of the rare times when I regret not having children. They'd be in college by now and would surely be willing to put down the bong long enough to help their dear old mum out with the beginning levels of Zelda. And then they could blog about what a sweet-yet-dysfunctional anachronism I am. But nooo, I had to go and choose not to contribute all my special genes to the gene pool. And now I'm fucked but good on Zelda.

- What I think about The Hunger Games: Lenny Kravitz could've used waaaay more gold eyeliner. Also, the heroine should've hunted down those other evil bastards instead of hiding. But I would've been happy with more eyeliner and maybe just a little lingerie on La Kravitz.

- Wilbur stumbled over a curb over a storm drain last night and started to slide backwards into it. He stopped his slide, but was holding up his right knee, refusing to put weight on it. I knew he couldn't have blown out his ACL twice in the same knee, but he didn't know that. It was pretty tense with car headlights coming over the hill and him just sitting there, butt in a storm drain, refusing to move or be moved, but I finally got him to move not by coaxing, but by pushing a panic button: "Hurry, Wilbur! Cars are coming! We have to run!" It worked. He stopped thinking about whether his knee was busted again and conditioning took over. He was up and only limping a little, but he made it across the street.

It reminded me of a scene in "Tampopo" where a dying woman's family got her to hang on a little bit more by telling her they were hungry and wanted dinner right away. She got up, scurried to make food, and... It's a good movie and was the first time I became aware that Japanese were capable of self-deprecating humor (and humor, period). Netflix that shit.

Wilbur's not even limping today.

- I'm going to try to schedule foot surgery for as early in May as I can get. I understand healing takes about three weeks. That doesn't sound like much, but I suspect it means no driving, which means no going to work, which means getting dungeon sitters. It's a good thing I do well with lots of quiet time.

- I'm going to try to schedule foot surgery for as early in May as I can get. I understand healing takes about three weeks. That doesn't sound like much, but I suspect it means no driving, which means no going to work, which means getting dungeon sitters. It's a good thing I do well with lots of quiet time.

- pretty game: http://neovers.com/gamepage.php?gameid=1

- I could murder a big bowl of fettucini Alfredo. I would motorboat it, dive in, do the backstroke, give it a rimjob *and* a creamy trombone, and then I'd kill it inch by inch with tooth and fork and leave its greasy husk in a ditch off a dirt road.

- Wilbur and Banzai were neck/head-knocking each other this morning. They reminded me of seals having neck wrestling matches. I said, 'You guys are FUNNY!' and they both gave me an emphatic yes headshake.

- A client who's a resident in an assisted living facility with a fixed income wants to schedule a session. He has some communication quirks, but has been polite and respectful and seems clear on what he'd like to try. He did say something rude (about not getting to see any nipples) to another domme at the slave party, but has been fine otherwise. I feel bad taking money from someone with so little, but it's not my job to set someone else's budget priorities, either. (update - he failed to schedule)

- I am not competing for the Ms Jewish World title. I keep having interactions with Jews who are eager to point out the ways I'm not *really* Jewish, not Jewish enough, etc. It's not a contest and there's no prize. I found out a little over a year ago that my mom's side of the family is Jewish. My mom didn't know. Her sisters didn't know. I think it's cool that we had this ethnicity and nobody (but Grandma) knew, but FFS, I'm not vying for acceptance or recognition. Neither am I the enemy. I'm an atheist, I'm not anti-Semitic, and I'm also not completely ignorant of Jewish culture and history. So there. Bitches.

- Podcast with me and Vylette chatting with a couple of other women (like Jane of www.JanesInfiniteWisdom.com) about sex work and feminism http://www.sharppointyobjects.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/2012-03-25-SPO-Episode-4.mp3

- And.... Ms Mina, Ms Vylette and I will all be at Rocky Mountain Olympus Leather in Utah next weekend, presenting workshops and partying it up. The following weekend, Ms Mina and I will be at Beyond Leather in Florida, presenting workshops and partying it up. Hoo rah.

games, banzai!, nothing in particular, wilbur

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