Beautiful Soup

Feb 02, 2012 11:52

I got a pressure cooker a couple of months ago. My friend Maggie gave me a lesson on proper use so I wouldn't blow anything up, and I'm starting to suck less at it. I'm doing lots of bean-and-meat things, hoping to get as high a protein content as possible without getting all my protein just from meat (having Celiacs *and* hypoglycemia makes meal planning such fun), and the learning curve is flattening out.

My cousin said I need to start posting my recipes. I don't have recipes. I think of some beans I'd like to try out, I think of what dead animal might taste best with them, and I think of what veggies and seasonings might go well with all that, then I start chopping, sauteeing, I pop the lid on and cross my fingers.

Last week was turkey thighs with mushrooms, wild rice and lentils. Can't remember what I used for spices. Probably just salt and pepper. It came out pretty tasty and the protein content was much higher - thanks to the lentils - than the last time I made turkey/mushroom/wild rice soup, which means that I could eat a bowl of it and not be hungry for a few hours. Not being hungry for several hours means I'm not having unexpected blood sugar crashes, which is a Good Thing.

Here you go, cousin:

Today's Great Pressure Cooker Experiment: Dead cow neck bones and dead cow shank slices, small white beans (that's what the white bean package said: "small white beans". Truth in advertising, right there) and red beans (called "red beans" on the package), lots of cumin (and ooo, the cussing I did when I couldn't find the cumin for a few minutes, cuz this was going to be all about the cumin), a bit of curry and turmeric (don't it make my white beans yellaaaaaa), sesame and olive oil, celery and leek, a squirt of Sriracha and a scoop of vegetable bouillon paste. Annnnd we're off!

There is no name for it, but if I was going to start naming the soups I make once a week I'd probably get completely weird, so maybe it's best I just call it Soup #73 or something, although that implies that I might make the same soup twice, and I'm not sure I do. I was thinking I'm not very adventurous in the soup department, but when I was putting this one together, I realized I just don't spend much time thinking about how I put flavors together that end up working out really well anyway. I don't know if these flavors will work out all that hot, but if I'd been able to find the lamb for stew that I'd been bloody looking for at the store last night, this would be some spectacular shit. Using dead cow bits was not my first choice, but dammit, the dogs are going to love the neck bones.


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