The things you can read in your dentist's office

Nov 12, 2010 13:48

I was giving my sister shit about not picking up a copy of this month's 5280 Magazine yet.  It has an interview with me in it and I figured she'd have bought a few copies to show friends and maybe beg me to autograph them so she can sell them on ebay or barter them for high-value favors from my crowds of adoring fans.   She stopped me mid-rant:  "I already read it the other day."   "Oh?  And you didn't buy it?  You being a cheap Norwegian again?"  "::sigh::   It was at the dentist's last week.  (nephew) had an appointment and I had to wait in the waiting area. It was there."   "Oh.  Well... OK, then."

I may have to reconsider giving her the spare copy of BizarreMag that I bought just for her.

In other news, the dogs do not approve of me playing Angry Birds in bed at night with the volume up at all.  Banzai gives me a reproachful look and gets up and leaves the room til I'm done, and Wilbur just glares daggers and me and huffs a lot if a particularly noisy bird launches.  His glares are baleful yet searing.  I felt chastened enough to lower the volume, which did not detract from my technique in any appreciable way.  I sucked just as badly with the volume lowered and the dogs were happier.

In still other news, I went to see The Casualties and GWAR last night.  I wore a white and got brave enough to get down in the pit, but stuck mostly to the edges. The 10-15 minutes I was down there was a period where they weren't soaking the crowd, and I got shoved by drunk assholes hard enough in quick succession that I decided I was best suited in the old fogey section.   The minute I escaped was when they got out the crowd soakers again.  Harumph.

And why can't they ever play "Fucking an Animal" in their shows?  They did "Sick of You" as their finale, but I was really hoping for the other one.   Of course, the chorus of "Sick of You" is the ONLY time during any song of theirs that I can distinguish a single word, so I guess I can't bitch too much.   Oh, and they made a Lady Gaga costume and eviscerated that with much squirting of lopped-off bits.   Last time it was Michael Jackson, I think.   I didn't get my head groped this time and thus was given no cause to do public CBT on anyone.  I had fun anyway.

alert the media, frolicking in the daisies, banzai!, wilbur

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