It's all this big kinky blur

May 18, 2010 00:15

I've been cramming as many lessons into the new dommes; heads as I can in the past few weeks since they came on.  I'll try to list what I can remember, in reverse order.

Nadia couldn't make it today (and Tulsi's already learned some mummification), but Vylette came by to help out with a client I had who'd read a review where I'd done a mummification/trance scene with someone who'd said that 45 minutes felt like 5 and he was very curious what that'd be like.  He'd already seen Vylette a few days ago and felt comfortable at the dungeon and was eager to come back to try new things.  I worked with him for a bit to get the breathing technique down.  He's a martial artist and the breathing he's been doing for fighting is almost the opposite of what we do for relaxation, which makes sense.  He was a bit concerned about his tendency to be really fidgety and thought there was a chance that might impede getting really relaxed.  I thought about the ADHD people, Tourette's sufferers and general fidgeters I've known, and I got out a couple of balloons, inflated them about 1/3 of the way, and put one in each of his hands, then wrapped them with the small pallet wrap.   That gave his hands something to do in case he needed to twitch or wiggle, without binding them too tightly.

I was explaining everything to both him and Vylette as I went along.  I don't always like telling someone what I'm doing to them or why as I'm doing it because it can demystify the experience to the point of making it clinical, but he was fascinated enough with the process and curious enough about the outcome that it didn't have that effect.  I told both of them at some point that with a mummification where restrictive bondage is more the point and trancing out is not the goal, wrapping each limb separately before wrapping them together and to the torso would result in strict bondage, but also create possible circulation and body heat issues.  Once someone's been wrapped up with something non-porous against their skin, heat builds up and they sweat like crazy.  When the time comes to take them out of it and the wrapping is cut upen, the air hits all that sweat and body temp drops like a rock.  It's a shock to the system, and if you're trying to get someone to really trance out and get to where they forget the rest of the world, impeding circulation and ending the scene by a sudden body temp drop is counterproductive.

So we got his hands and forearms wrapped once the balloons were in his hands and I had him cross his arms over his chest.  I gave a bit of a wrap over his arms just to keep them over his body.  He was still standing up near the suspended padded bondage table, and we'd draped a thick flannel sheet over it.  We sat him down on the table, then laid him out flat.  We wrapped the flannel around him up to his neck and started wrapping his feet and legs over the flannel.   I'd had him put in some some earplugs before his hands were bound, and then I popped an inflatable gag in his mouth.  I wrapped his entire head in vet wrap, making sure to leave the mouth and nose for last.  If anything went wrong, those'd be the spots to unwrap or cut through first.  I put a pair of ear muffs over his ears and we draped the rest of his head, leaving his nose and chin uncovered (he was able to breathe easily through the vet wrap).

Vylette and I took some much longer pallet wrap and used that to bind him to the table from his shoulders to his ankles (he told us later that he really appreciated that part, because he was a bit anxious about rolling off the table before then).  We got it nice and snug and tried to keep the pressure as even as possible.  I got out a big, heavy comforter and put that over him, thinking that the weight would be soothing.  When I felt his forehead temp a minute later and it had risen a bit too quickly, I folded the comforter in half and left it over the lower part of his body.  His temp dropped back to normal very quickly.

I did a bit of breath play on him for a few minutes (sshh, don't tell anyone).  He'd expressed an interest in that, so I pinched his nose through the vet wrap, held down the inflatable gag with my hand, and let him get to a point where he was a little anxious but nowhere near passing out.  I did that a few times, he handled it well, and I figured that was a good time for us to let him just float on that endorphin high.  I got out bar stools for Vylette and I so we could sit on opposite sides of him and each keep a hand on him.  We kept a close eye on his breathing, we kept the table swaying very gently for a good 45 minutes to an hour, and he was deeply relaxed the entire time.   He was able to hear cars outside now and then, but couldn't hear her and I whispering.

When it was about 15 minutes before his session time was up, I started very slowly bringing him back.  I was whispering to Vylette about why it's good to turn lights down very low or off before removing blindfolds, hoods or headwrappings and how to help someone transition out of the trance state gradually, so they'd keep the calm state as long as possible.  The heavy blanket came off first.  The wide wrap that covered him from shoulders to ankles was sliced along one side of his body.   We kept the table swaying gently while everything was coming off.  Every time I slowly removed something, we gave him a few minutes to adjust.  When it was time to unwrap his arms, we pulled aside the flannel one arm at a time, making sure his torso temperature wasn't affected.   By the time I got the head wrap off, he was wrapped in nothing but the flannel and was able to sip water through a straw, but his breathing was just as slow and deep as it had been while he was all wrapped up.   We stayed with him, lights dimmed, and each of us were touching him over the blanket.  We didn't rush him to come out of it, so he was able to lie there and adjust at his own pace.

The first thing he said after thanking us for the sips of water was, "What day is it?".  We grinned.  It was very much what he'd expected, where 45 minutes (or whatever) felt like a significantly shorter time.  He said he kept remembering the part of a water slide where you're going through the tunnel, before you come back out into the light.  There aren't any distractions and it's just you and this wonderful feeling.

So that was Vylette's mummification lesson.  It's also one of the types of sessions I live for.  It was almost entirely non-sexual, but it was immensely cathartic for all of us and I loved being part of something that was new and healing for him.  And he didn't twitch or fidget the entire time.  I asked him how the different style of breathing worked, and he said it made a huge difference.  This was his second visit to us, and I'm really looking forward to seeing where we'll be able to take him.  I think he's just as eager.

Last week, we got in a singletail lesson and a needle lesson.   The bottom for the needle play lesson is a former client whose current mistress generously offered him for inexpert pokery under expert guidance.  He had four women (Vylette, Nadia, a burgeoning switch friend and me) taking turns putting needles in his chest and boy bits (and thighs, for the intramuscular portion of the lesson), and he was in heaven.  He gave good feedback and was no more freaked out by the occasional trickle of blood than any of us were.  The girls learned more details of the Pavlovia Corpse Prevention Program, including how to keep themselves from being a corpse, and several devious ways to stick someone with sharpened bits of metal that'll leave them happy and healthy.

The day before or the day after or sometime thereabouts, they got a singletail lesson.  I hadn't gone over every little trick you can do with floggers during their flogging lesson because I was saving one of them for the beginning of the singletail lesson.  There's a way to throw a flogger that's similar to the archery throw for singletails, and I taught them that so they could get used to the motion with a tool they were already familiar with before I put singletails in their hands.

They each had their own bottoms to practice on and another scene person had come along with one of the bottoms to observe (they'd put off the plans they had to work on a project together that day so that we could use one of them for the singletail lesson.  Nadia had a back injury and was having some trouble at first, but Vylette worked on her a bit with some massage and that got Nadia to a point where she was able to practice without causing herself further damage.  One of them practiced with my nylon 4" whip and the other practiced with the Legree.  After half an hour or so, the were both starting to make mistakes from being too tired, so they switched whips and started getting good results again.

The person who'd come along to observe was watching them both hit a groove and start using the singletails consistently and accurately, ramping up their bottoms, repeating the good hits and starting to self-correct when they'd mess up.  He leaned over to me and whispered, "One hour ago, they'd never used a singletail.  Now look at them!  They're doing it!"   I was very happy with their progress and the bottoms were also blissed out.   I'm not as good with a singletail as I'd like to be - not by a long shot - but I was able to teach them how to use what we've got to do a good scene.  Until there's room in the budget for some higher-quality singletails, we'll make do with what we've got.  The bottoms were happy, the apprenti learned well, and that's all good.

There was a CBT lesson in there somewhere.  I think that was about a week ago.  Pretty sure I posted on that already, though.

I'll get Nadia caught up with the mummification when we get a chance.  I'm hoping to get her, Tulsi and Vylette out early Sunday night for a saline lesson.  There's a former client who's coming in just for that and is bringing his own saline.  He's got the IV equipment that came with the order, but I don't really like how slowly that goes, so we'll be using syringes and 18ga needles.  It's rather advanced play for people in their first month (or three, in Tulsi's case) of training, but we aren't always going to have people offering themselves and bringing in their own saline bags (not always something I keep stocked up on since it's a bit expensive and is rarely requested for pro scenes), so they'll at least get a chance to see it done and try it out on some smaller spots (like the aereola) themselves.  It always looks so much easier to do than it is when you're the one holding the huge syringe, trying to hold the needle steady when your hand is shaking from the strain.

Tulsi got a cupping lesson a couple of weeks ago.  She's been loving everything she's learned so far.  The bottom for the cupping lesson was OK with the possibility of permanent marks and with having his skin broken, so we did blood cupping on him.  They've both got some great pics of the results up on their Fetlife pages.  The caption he used for one of the pics he put in his profile is, "Nobody makes me bleed my own blood.  Nobody."   This is why he keeps getting invited back to be a stunt bottom.

So that's what I've been up to with the job stuff.  Pics from a recent photo shoot should be ready in the next few days so Vylette and Nadia can get pages up on the Pavlovia website.  There's a chance a former Pavlovian will be coming back on staff, too, which should be exciting.

And no, I did not put this behind a cut.  Nyah.

apprentices, pavlovia, lessons, tha biz, nsfw

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