Random crap

Jun 02, 2009 13:09

I'm feeling a lot better.  Haven't had a follow-up with the surgeon yet, but I think I'm avoiding it cuz the nursing staff sucked balls like you wouldn't believe and then her answering service gave worse phone service than the utility companies, and that's bad.

We have a huge big large swamp cooler for the dungeon.  Cat and I tried to fill it up two weeks ago to cool the space down about an hour before a session.  There was a large pool spreading out on the floor behind it.  Boy looked at it and agreed that yes, there certainly is a hole in the bottom, almost as if a plug or some other button or something was meant to go there.  Or maybe a cork, I hastened to add, to show how great my Norwegian engineering genes are.  If there's anyone who could be a tad more constructive with troubleshooting and troublefixing, that'd be swell.

I am at a point with my alopecia that I am 1) outing myself here without locking this on a friends-only thingy despite competitors using (well, trying to use) Saskia's Big Secret as a weapon against me and despite 3) stalkers and other buttinskys probably going all foamy-at-the-mouth with it and 3) getting serious about what kind of stuff to have tattooed on my head for the days I just don't fucking feel like wearing a wig, which may be all the time or may be none of the time, I don't know.  I've thought for a couple of years that it'd be fun to have a goldfish bowl done, complete with a little guy in a diving suit below my occipital ridge OR to have my head turned into a phrenology chart, personalized with all my zany quirky crackpot stuff, OR to have kewpie doll curls tattooed on OR a putt-putt golf course laid out in ink over my nekkid or partially-fuzzed scalp, using my ears as sand traps or whatever, OR ... I dunno.  I'm moving away from the sillier stuff, mostly because when I look in a mirror face-on, I'd like to see some prettier colors around my face, but I don't know if anyone can do aurora borealis (my favorite color) in skin ink.   I'm still considering Salvador Dali's "The Temptation of St Anthony" because I really like the idea of the elephant legs trailing down my back and poor little Tony huddled on my left shoulder, but that'd just be entertainment on the back of my head and wouldn't do much for the front and sides, which would still need decorating.  I'm considering redwoods, but there are some issues with proportion to consider.  I'm considering a willow, my other favorite tree, so I can have branches trailing onto my cheeks or forehead, but I'm not entirely sure I want stuff in my face.   I thought of kewpie doll curls with a cross-section "cut" out the back of my head to show an anatomical model of skin/skull/brain structure, which could be fun.   I considered being a canteloupe for a few minutes.  Someone suggested an 8 ball, but I don't play pool and when I used to wear my 8ball tshirt to clubs, people thought I was there to sell dope, so... no.  I thought being a pot of crystal blue lobelia might be nice, cuz I love those colors, and I could get all crazy artistic with what kind of flowerpot would go on the back of my neck.  I dunno.  I'm open to ideas.   I probably have about a year before I have a completely blank canvas for an artist to work on.  I'm trying to think of that as an opportunity instead of a fucking catastrophe.  I'm still considering having antlers tattooed on in place of eyebrows, since those have completely disappeared in the last year, but I don't know that they'd keep me happy for the rest of my life.  Maybe if they weren't, like, really obviously antlers and you had to look really closely to see that hey, you has antlers on yer face!  Ha!  How subtle and clever is that?    I'm also considering having twigs for eyebrows, maybe with itty bitty leaves on the end.  Or dotted lines with itty bitty scissors going across them, like "cut here and save big on your next purchase".    So that's where I am with that shit.

Dogs.  Urg.  Banzai ate Wilbur's pillow the other day.  I've been giving Wilbur pillow treats at bedtime since he was a puppeh and now that fun is ruined.  Asshole dog.  He spread the innards of Wilbur's pillow over a good-sized section of the backyard last week.  Ana picked up the big chunks, but there's still a big white smear that just pings UP when raked over and doesn't go into a convenient pile.  Poor pillow.  Poor Wilbur.  Asshole Banzai.

The rats played on the plants in my office last night.  The cats were more interested than was ideally healthy for the rats, but nobody was maimed or killed and the rats absolutely love clambering around on the plants.

Dom/me Prom/me is this weekend.  I gotta go to a party supply store and buy helium and a bunch of balloons and fake up a balloon arch so people can stand in front of it to get cheesey prom pics taken.  I think it'll be fun, but I've never done it before.  Sounds like a good thing to delegate.   I do not have a shiny new prom dress or chaperone dress lined up.  All the Pavlovians are close enough in size that one of them who does have a prom dress collection in a short range of sizes is going to be able to hook them all up.  Just not Mama Domma.  Ain't no way I can fit into my HS dress, which I only threw out a month ago during the move.

I gotta get the flooring fixed up one of these days at the dungeon.  That brown linoleum is hideous.  What's worse is that even if I get the cheap Lee Press-On floor tiles and do it the easy way, the floor underneath is wonky in a few spots, hence the big ol' rubber matt at the end of the tall bondage table.  And you thought it was for better footing.  Ha!  Fooled you!  Ha ha ha!  ::sob::   No.  Worst case scenario is the wood underneath is rotted not only there, but all around.   To fix?  To not fix?  To just get rugs instead, putting a bandaid over cancer?  I dunno.  I should probably paint the walls first, but that's the easy part.   I really don't like the way the space looks during the day.  Paint would help, but the floor would still look butt-ugly.

Having one dog in the car meant a lot of dog hair floating around.  Having two dogs means you can't breathe in my car without getting a mouthful of dog fur.  It's possible I may be due for a trip to that place on 4th and Broadway that washes the outside and the inside for a whopping $8.   I always tip well because of the dog fur.

Gonna go take a friend to lunch.  She's been working on hair extensions for me for free for about two months now, and it's a lot of work, so I'm paying her back by giving her sushi when she has a burning desire for it, or whatever else she needs now and then.  She's a very good friend. 

foaming at the mouth, doggehs, health

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