We're walking past the Diamond Cabaret entrance at 2am

Mar 31, 2008 02:56

All these guys were lined up outside, waiting for cabs or for the valet to pull up with their cars or whatever.  They were all wondering about all the women that were coming out of the club above and why we weren't trying to flirt back with them or tell them where we were going with all the cases of equipment we were lugging.  All five of us that had worked the event were in a mini-parade with all our cases, and I was in the lead, turning to talk to the person behind me and see if I could get her to join me in a round of "quack quack, waddle waddle" (she did) and there were all these drunk guys that had been folding dollar bills in half lengthwise all night and trying to find places to put them but were still insufficiently entertained, and here we come.  They were all in a herd on the sidewalk and getting through them was like running a gauntlet, except we knew we had knives and hurty sticks and the kind of self-confidence that comes from tying people up and hitting them all night, so we weren't feeling intimidated by all the questions and having to make them get out of our way.  No, we aren't moving.  Yes, it'd be a funny time of night to move..  No, we don't want to go anywhere in your limo with you.  What were we doing up there?  Was there some kind of event?  Was that that womens thing?

Yep, uh huh.  Scuse us, coming through. Yes, we're fine, thank you.  No we don't need hel...   Say there, boy, I'll give you this nice shiny dollar if you put all this big heavy cases into that car's trunk over there.  You're good?  Don't need a dollar?  OK, then, you won't mind moving your butt, right?  Thanks, doll.  Yeah, you have a nice night, too.

So what all us wacky gals were doing up there was working the dungeon allllll night doing kinky perverted lesbo stuff of the freakiest order and all those guys would've shit themselves if they'd seen it.  Lady Kenyon, her girl N visiting from CA, Lady Bandita, Miss Arcadya and myself were all fetished up and having fun.   Lady Kenyon had brought  some of her own floggers, I'd packed a few from the dungeon, too, along with a paddle or two, and I grabbed an armful of rope that I'm not all that emotionally attached to.  We packed the sewing kit in case anyone wanted us to do something on stage, and we've usually been asked to put something together on short notice, so Bandita and Kenyon and Arcadya were ready to go with a stapling scene, just in case.  Everyone was a bit relieved to find that the performance list was full for the evening.  The most relieved person was probably the one who was going to get stapled, as she marks as easily as I do (ie, if you look at us).

Miss Arcadya was in charge of the violet wand and lighting people on fire most of the night.  She was the one that was most excited about teh fire and teh wand, so she got teh job.  ::grin::   Lady Bandita and Lady Kenyon did more spankings and floggings than I think we've ever done there before. Lady Kenyon and Lady Bandita doubled up a few times on some spanking scenes.  Lady Kenyon spelled Miss Arcadya on the violet wand after an hour or three when Arcadya's hand got tired.  Bandita did some good rope work that I didn't get close enough to look at as much as I wanted.  Lady Kenyon's girl, N, was the best assistant I think we've ever had at an event, and we've had some damned good assistants.

I flogged one woman after I tied her up; she'd been trying to boss me around and wasn't bothering to make eye contact with me, so I thought I'd teach her a lesson.  I'd been taking it pretty easy on her, lightly flogging her crotch through her jeans.  She was trying to show off for her friends, hollering out orders to me on subjects like how I should tie her up and other things, and I was getting annoyed but trying to stay professional.  Our job at events like that is to be expert, interactive eye candy, and getting hung up on what's normal scene protocol for us does not work in that situation, but there are limits.  When she hollered out, "Hit me, fucking bitch!" still not making eye contact, I'd had enough. Instead of amping it up the way she was yelling for, I went from medium/light strokes to feather-light flogger strokes and moved around her body.  I kept that up for a few minutes, keeping an eye on her, wondering if she'd bother making eye contact or just keep wiggling for her friends, who were also hollering out orders to me.  For some reason, she and they were obsessed with me hitting her belly, so I did some light brushing there, too.  Just when she was thinking she was going to die of boredom, I wacked her as hard as I could right across her cute little tummy, which was all full of muscles and no fat, so I had a reasonable expectation of not displacing or damaging innards.  She gasped really deeply and finally managed eye contact. Ha, gotcha.  I hit her three more times across the belly - I didn't really want to hit here there because I had ropes on the upper part of her belly and flogging over ropes is bad on floggers - and it looked like she actually got a bit of a rush out of it.  On about the fourth stroke, she'd stopped yelling at me and giving me orders and she quietly said she she thought she was about done.  I untied her wrists and belly, gave her a hug and and sent her back to her friends.  Feeling or showing contempt or anger towards people I'm hitting or have just hit is a bad, bad habit to get into, so ... she got a hug.  When I gave her those heavy whacks across the belly, I was a little annoyed with her, but it wasn't worth getting angry over.  So she learned a little something about S&M that she didn't know before.  She probably didn't learn what I wanted her to learn, but she'll be more careful next time she's drunk and showing off in that situation, I bet.

Ha.  I just remembered that one of the first things she loudly said to me, without making eye contact, was that she wanted to be tied up and maybe slapped around a little bit.  I already wasn't liking how she was talking to me, so I slapped her.  It took her a couple of seconds to respond, but she said, "Ow!  I didn't mean in the face!"  My mistake.  I'll see if I can get it right next time.  Gosh, I hope so.

Something I enjoyed a whole lot more was tying up one of the promoters.  She was a really slender woman, about my height, and hadn't been tied up before.  I put her in a chest harness, used an arm sleeve tie to get her arms behind her back, and her friends started going nuts taking pictures.  I'm always a little surprised at events like that that people don't seem to be interested in having the person who did the intricate rope work in the pic with the bound person.  In the leather scene, the person in the rope seems so secondary to the person whose skill is on display, so my ego gets a little battered at non-leather events.  Anyway.  I used the chest harness to toss her around a little so she could get an idea for how vulnerable she was and also so she could pay close attention to her balance if I didn't have my hands on her.  I gave her a few smacks on her butt, which she seemed to like.  I gave her a smack on the face, which she also said she liked.  I figured she could use some time to just hang out with her friends and let them have their way with her, so I let her know that she could keep the ropes on as long as she liked and to let me know as soon as she wanted them off.  She told me that she was liking it a whole lot and might like to go for a little more.  No problem.  I got out another 50' length, attached that to the front of the chest harness, and started down her torso.  I did a pretty simple tie all the way down her torso and continued it down to her ankles.  Her friends were snapping pics the whole time.  I finished the tie and stepped back to let her friends get full pics of her.  I decided that her friends probably didn't have any idea how tricky it is to balance when your legs are tied together, so I grabbed the chest harness in one hand and some of the ropes on her thighs in the other, picked her up, and set her in an upholstered armchair.  Jaws dropped, including hers.  I left her with her friends and went to check on how Arcadya was doing with the whole lighting-drunk-strangers-on-fire thing and kept a corner of my eye on the woman in the ropes.

One of her friends came over after 10-15 minutes and said the woman was ready to be untied.  I went back over, grabbed the chest harness and hauled her up to her feet.  My feet hurt too much to keep standing up in them, trying to crouch down to untie her ankles, so I sat down in the chair.  I started to untie her ankles, didn't like the position I was in, so I reached up and grabbed the front of the chest harness with my left hand and grabbed the ropes behind her knees with my right and swoooop, she was suddenly laid out horizontal over my lap.  Perfect.  Her friends suddenly realized something had just happened and were bummed that they didn't get a chance to catch it with their cameras.  They got a bunch of shots of me undoing her legs.  Once her legs were free, I hauled her torso up, set her down on her knees on the floor in front of me, and got to work on her arms and the chest harness.  She was in great shape the whole time, no trouble with circulation or panic at all.  As much as I do love women of all sizes, I've got to say that when someone is light enough for me to pick up and swing around, that is a good thing.

I got to tie two sets of women to each other during the evening.  That did not suck, especially since one of them had one of the most sex kitten body I've seen in a long time.  She was like a caricature, she was so curvaceous, especially with her corset on so tight.  I think she said her boobs were 43DDD.  I got ropes ALL up in those puppies, too.  A friend she was there with wanted to see if I could do any other types of ties besides chest harnesses and arm sleeves, so I tied her wrists together, got them behind her head, ran the rope between her legs and secured it in a mini-corset.  Then I tied them together.  The other women I tied together were a former go-go dancer and her gf.  I got their heads tied close together and they spent a while tied up and making out.  Good stuff. One of them got claustrophobic after being pinned against the cross by her gf for 7-8 minutes, so I asked Lady Kenyon if she could come help untie and we got them out of all the ropes in very short order.

I think I'd like more practice tying people together.  I'd like to be faster and more efficient with it.

Another thing I really liked was the group of 4-5 women in their 50s who came in.  One of them was the designated guinea pig for the group, so they had her ask to be tied up.  One of her friends (her gf, I think) made a deal with her:  if I tied her up, she'd untie her.  I agreed to that.  I tied her up, demonstrated some things that can be done to a willing woman when she's in ropes (pussy spanking, neck nibbling, breast/nipple stim) and stepped out of the way for a few.  They had lots of good questions and were relaxed and curious and having fun, which is my very favorite type of people at events.  I showed the gf where to get started on untying the woman in ropes, and when she started seeing how it was all put together and that there were no knots anywhere, she became even more intrigued and asked even better questions.  It was nice to have someone there that was really appreciating what must go into being good at BDSM.  I hope they're intrigued enough to come check out COLLAR or some play parties or both.  They'd be a good addition.  They even tried a little bit of fire, just on the hands. They liked it.  Woo!

Miss Arcadya had her first fire orgasm.  I had a feeling from her first fire play lesson that she had the capacity to go there and sure enough, she did.  She had two of them last night.   Can't wait to see where she goes next with all her new dominatrix skills.

We went out for breakfast after at Denver Diner, since it was right across the street from the club.  Greasy diner food at 3am when you've been on your feet all night is wonderful.   Waiting for 20 minutes for a table wasn't so great, but the food came fast after we ordered it.  The only thing that would've been better would be a chauffeured car to schlep us each to our snug little homes right after and a good massage to send us off to sleep. 

apprentices, pavlovia, event

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