My new custom-made artsy whip

May 24, 2007 20:57

The guy at made it. I met him at DomCon in April and bought one of his crops with a red silicon slapper on the end and played a bit with a white silicon whip he had on display, It's about 3' long and, since it's made from a silicon-based resin (or maybe just plain silicon), it's got a squishy sort of texture and has a completely different feel and movement to it. It took a few minutes of flipping it around and aiming at willing bystanders before I got the hang of it, and then I knew I had to have one. The whip was a little under $200, but I didn't have that much on me at the time so I asked if I could buy it later. He said he could, but wasn't entirely happy with the model he had on display and offered to make me a new one and try out some other ideas he had. Hell, yeah! He called a few days ago to say it was finished and I should be getting it in the next week or so and did I still want it. The next sound he heard was me scrambling for my checkbook and chortling like a mad thing.

He has some unbelievably cool stuff that he makes but doesn't have up on his site. He was inspired by George Bataille's "Story of the Eye" and made a clear/red dildo with a big fake eyeball in the clear tip. He had doll heads on some of the flogger handles as well as all sort of other artistic mods to already wicked ideas. The next thing I want to get from him will be one of the surgical tubing floggers. I've wanted one of those for ages, but his will be way more scary/beautiful than any of the ones I've seen elsewhere.

I r excited.


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