Jul 10, 2008 20:34
It was an odd morning - one I did not take full advantage of. My baby got up around 7 and decided that she wanted to go back to bed at 8. My toddler slept in until 9 - very odd in and of itself - and then proceeded to play nicely in her crib until 10:30, at which time I went in and changed her diaper which had leaked all over the bed. I thought she would be starving, but she didn't seem interested in coming downstairs with me and the baby, so she stayed in her room and played by herself for another hour. Now, had I known I was going to have practically the whole morning by myself, I would have been much, much more productive. Beds would have been made, laundry would have been folded, baby food pureed, dished washed, queries written, emails answered ... but because I was expecting my toddler to wake up at any moment, I merely whiled away my time by reading Cassandra Clare's Draco Trilogy, which is too full of teenaged angst for my liking but still strangely compelling. I suppose I can't consider the morning completely wasted, since reading of any sort must hold some modicum of value (mustn't it?) ... and I'll even go so far as to posit that I deserve a wasted morning now and again.