A day at the amusement park ~ part 2 ~
Next ride... uh.. are you sure? More moving water.. and possibly faster...
Yup, she's sure.. only she isn't in there right and the thing disappears.. okay try again, only she doesn't get on and i'm on and moving and .. *sighs* okay one more time ...
Up we go... at this point, i'm still questioning her sanity.. I suppose since she got to play hero she's feeling pretty invincible.. hmmm.. lets hope this doesn't backfire on her ...
Oh hey look there's the bumper cars and oh wow there's the go-karts! I wanna ride the go-karts!!
Um after this naturally .. gosh nice tour through the castle..
And woooosh down we went .. heh .. Magic was soaked and in a white t-shirt *eyebrow wiggles*
So finally, the reason we came here in the first place.. the go-karts! I love the go-karts.. only I think she's been practicing...
Oh catchin' some air time here .. where is she?
D'oh! How did she get behind me? Am I really that slow? Hmmm... that's what i get for stopping for pictures ...
Stop pushing I'm moving, I'm moving! *maniacal laughter from behind me* oh that's never a good sign...
Ya .. I chickened out .. what did you expect? She's evil I tell ya.. *giggles*
She tried bribing me with ice cream .. hmmm.. its not gonna work lil lady...
Oh um, chocolate? really? for me?! *squeals*
You can't have my chocolate...
Magic: I don't want your chocolate...
Magic: What?
Heh.. nothing.. I got chocolate *sighs happily*
Magic: I have an idea...
Why do those words always frighten me?
Uh ... yes this would be a good reason those words frighten me ..
Unfortunately the track didn't fit .. Okay idea lady .. now what??
Oh shopping for a new location... *sighs* she really doesn't love me...
Well we know what happened... Magic found a prime location and rented it immediately, laid track, threw a new MR together and all is right with the world again... until she gets another great idea that is ... *grins* oh and for the record .. yes .. she loves me LOL