Simon and I have made our first major purchase together: we bought a 25' Catalina sailboat. It's really beautiful. Needs a bit of interior cosmetic work (cleaning, paint and new covers on all the cushions) but, it's otherwise solid and in great shape. We're really excited.
Neither of us has ever owned a boat before, nor do we have much experience sailing. Sailing, and perhaps even living on a sailboat for periods of time once the kids are at college, is something we've always wanted to do, so, this is a bit step toward those goals. We have several good teachers available to us at the marina where we keep the boat.
Speaking of the marina, I absolutely love it. It's a really tight-knit, friendly community. The other day, Simon was on the boat and called me to ask me to buy more of a particular cleaner he likes. A guy walking past on the way to his boat overheard and offered a bottle of his.
We're just about done cleaning the boat. It had been sitting a bit, and had some mold that needed to be removed. Next, we're removing a bunch of the hardware to reseal a few spots in the deck where rainwater had been getting in. After that comes painting, and then, our first trip out.
We originally talked about renaming the boat, until we read
this. So, she shall remain the Regalo. This is actually a great name for her, seeing that she's our wedding present to ourselves. (And yes, you can laugh at us for instantly becoming as superstitious as every other sailor.)