Lately I've been reflecting on some shit that went down in 2004 or so. At the time, I was part of an online roleplaying group. (Haven't I always?) The group's leader went and founded a second, very similar group, which was trying to co-operatively write a novel (or several) and get it/them published
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As ever, thanks for your thoughtful comment. "Your past trauma does not define you today"-that's something I shall file away and keep coming back to.
I think the members of that group wanted an editor (or at least a spellchecker) and I was considered the strongest in that field, despite my weaker writing. It doesn't seem to have occurred to them that I might feel left out until after it had already happened; I suppose that's when someone extended the offer to play in an area that didn't count toward the novel, to try to meet me halfway. I guess it worked. I think I would have laughed at an invitation to be their lackey with no rights on that board at all, but I accepted the halfway offer and then never joined in that RP area, because at least I sort-of belonged.
That group of people never was always a bit sort on empathy. I'm not sure I consciously realized before that they hurt my feelings through their own inability to understand how I felt, not through intent to snub me.
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