keeping busy

May 31, 2013 17:53

I am too damn busy.

I did manage to find my Social Security card after two days of increasingly frantic searching. That's something.

I keep making lists of things that need doing and putting more lists on top and ugh. I'm drowning in lists and belongings and expectations.

I try to beat a video game each month. This month I hoped to get Crimson Shroud's New Game plus completed, but fights in that game take forever and I just don't have the mental energy to devote to them. (They wouldn't feel so slow except that I came to Crimson Shroud on a break from Shin Megami Tensei: Soul Hackers, and SMT games tend to have very brisk fights. The comparison makes Crimson Shroud feel more sloth-paced than it actually is.)

I squeaked in a May victory with Kirby Mass Attack, though, and my best completion percentage in a Kirby game yet: 97%! (I think my previous best was 83% on Kirby's Adventure. Kirby games are relatively easy to beat, but their bonus material can range from equally easy to devilishly difficult. I am still proud of one Adventure puzzle I finally pulled off, involving a cannon, a short fuse, and a consequently narrow window of success.)

Apparently all I want to talk about today is games. That's something, too.

When I got too stressed from looking for my Soc., I took a break to play a level of Mass Attack. That did wonders for my frame of mind, so I continued until I beat the game. (Don't look at me like that - before I started looking for that little card, I was perhaps two levels and a boss fight away from the game's end. It wasn't a huge investment of my time.) I beat it, smiled through the ending, and went to bed.

I woke up knowing exactly where to look for the card. I got up, walked over, and checked that place and only that place. There it was, the little sneak.

I think that if I had not stopped to play the game, I would have continued to wrack my brain to find the card, and I would have gotten no leads, only frustration. I needed my game, with its sensation that I had at least accomplished something there; that eased my sleep; a good night's rest let my brain play connect-the-dots in peace until it connected my quest objective with its location.

(Yes, quest objective. I figure the card was worth 3 XP and unlocked the next objective, which is paperwork. Yuck. But that's worth XP to me, too. I'm trying to level up my Adultness some more before I attain the new rank of Wife!)

videogames, life is a game

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