CNC Routing again

Apr 28, 2009 09:01

I'm sure it's been quite some time since I talked about this on here. Like most projects it get shelved for a little while and then I find some more enthusiasm for it and I go back and do a little bit more to it until finally it gets done. The main problem with this project is the lack of space to go with it. It's currently taking up the whole dinning table, once I've got my monitor and PC set up to drive it.

So it's good news from here this week. I have managed to set the router up, adjust the speeds to stop the motors stalling and give myself a crash course in the software needed to drive the machine. I'm now able to draw the shape in a 3D modelling package, convert it to code the the CNC software understands and then use the CNC software to actually draw the image out using a pen I have stuck to the CNC Router.

My actual wood router should arrive at some point this week so I'll be able to do some cutting with it this weekend, providing the weather is nice. Included in the cut is a video of it drawing some gears. It's not a very good video but it is proof of the machine working, I'm sure there will be more and better videos to follow.

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