Mar 04, 2008 17:55's been a long time since I've written anything down about me and my life and what's been happening. Perhaps it's because there's just been so much activity in my life that I've been too busy OR maybe it's because there's just been nothing happening to report. I think it's a little bit of both, so let's see what I can come up with.
- I didn't make any New Year's Resolutions this year because, truthfully, I don't think that people generally adhere to them making it a pointless endeavour. Instead, I waited till all the hoop-la died down and then I made a commitment to myself to shed some pounds. On January 21st, I weighed in at 204lbs. While I was quite disappointed that I was above the 200lb mark, i wasn't overly surprised. Freshman 15 you say....well, I completed 6 years of university and was 145lbs heading off to X (and I thought I was FAT! hahaha)...that adds up to 10lbs per school year, WOW. Looking back, it was probably the drinking and eating at Moe's that did a lot of it, but I will admit that I didn't have a great lifestyle...I didn't like to exercise and I was an emotional eater...I mean, food tastes amazing to me! So you would think that my interest in health care would prompt me to make some life changes, nope. And you may think that the death of my grandfather due to a massive heart attack would also kick-start me into improving my health, nope. I've never been a person with a poor body image. I've never looked at myself and said "Oh my gawd Tracy, you're a need to lose that gut!". I'm still not that person, but I have made a conscious decision to improve my situation. I want to slim down and become more active. So....what am I doing to make that happen? I'm following the Weight Watchers Points's not so much of a diet as it is portion size control and following Canada's Food Guide. I spoke with my friend, who is a dietician, and she agreed that it was a healthy choice in comparison to other options out there. I'm not going to the meetings though because i feel that the fee to joint he program plus the $15 per meeting fee is just too expensive.'s been 6 weeks or so and I've lost 12 lbs. I am very proud of myself and I'm not starving or anything. Granted, I have cheated on occasion, but I don't feel that you should ever deprive just makes you want to eat more! So, have I noticed any differences? Well, I have had compliments from people at work saying that i have slimmed down a little AND my belt now goes in another notch. GO ME!
- I've decided that I will run the 10k this year at the Johnny Miles Running Weekend. I'm excited about the challenge, but I'm also nervous because I have never run that distance before. For me, it's a challenge to my physical endurance and mental stamina. Also, it takes place on Father's Day which holds special significance to me- I want to show my strength for someone in my life who was so strong for me.
- Work is super duper busy. We've been filled now for the past couple of months and there's no slowing down in sight. Trying to see 7-8 people twice every day for 30-45 minutes at a time is taxing on the system. Plus, when you have some people who are one-on-one care, it makes that time go by even faster. I have some people in right now who need so much hands on treatment and there are so many things that I want to work on and just can't do it all at once... I think that determining treatment- when and what to do- is the toughest part of my job. To boot, i have a wicked cold right now and I wasn't able to go to work today cause I was coughing up neon green thick phlegm- a true sign of a throat infection. Benedryl and sucrets will fix me right up and get me back to work in the morning.
- I was in Hali on the weekend for Ray's birthday and it was a great time! I was sad that Nick couldn't come cause of work, but I was super excited to see all my girlies again! Since Alli is going home for her placement, I may not see her again till May sometime. I managed to fall down a flight of stairs, fortunately, I just have a slight bruise on my left hip. The drive home was BRUTAL. I posted pics on Facebook to prove how dreadful it really some points I had to stop in the middle of the Trans Canada cause I couldn't see where I was going! Apparently, it was clear in Sydney the whole I had to document so people wouldn't think I was trying to pull their leg.
- In the past few days, I've had 2 different people ask me if I was going to have babies anytime soon....and the answer is...NO! hehehe I would like to have kids in my early 30s, but I would prefer to be married before that happens. As the gyno said, "Oh girl, no hurry to have babies! You have at least 15 good years left for that!"
- I had a nightmare that I had gotten a super bad haircut. Since then, I have been thinking about actually getting a hair-cut. I think i'm a sucker for punishment.
- There's been a bunch of new funding announced for Physiotherapy positions at work. I once again had the option of going back to the Regional and getting my 'dream' position of a C/R rotation, but again I've decided to stay where I'm at. I must say that I love the staff and the patients at's just the location that sucks. I always wonder if I made the right decision, but HVH is good for me...for now. I'm hoping that Nick finds out soon about school cause that could make some decisions easier than others.
- I'm sitting here watching "Candle Pin Challenge" on's a boring night.
- Nick is playing at Truro 7s this coming weekend. I don't know what I'm going to do or if I'm going to go.... Nan's birthday is on Friday (and I still haven't gotten her a gift) and I don't want to go up if I'm feeling like CRAP. The other thing is that I don't want to shell out a bunch of $$$ again for gas.
- Speaking of $$$, it's income tax time again! This year I'm gonna get a dandy return...almost $5000 I think! I have so many things I could do with that money, but what I was really thinking of doing was putting it toward a smaller car. I really need something that's easier on gas than the Taurus. I had considered putting it towards my student loans, but realistically, it's not going to make a huge impact on them.
- It's strange to watch those around you advance in their careers and their 'position' in life. Sometimes I feel as though I'm standing still. I'm sure that will change sometime, but it's tought to be right here, right now. I've been thinking that I want a new challenge in life...something in the academic or employment fields. I would like to be taking some online business courses, but I'm finding it hard to find ones that would be beneficial to me. I guess I'll just keep looking.
There's not much else exciting happening with me. I'm turning 26 this month...can't really say that anything spectacular has happened in the 25th year of my life, but there's still 3 weeks to go, so anything can happen....right?!