Aug 17, 2008 08:48
one of my girlfriends are always joking about her magic bullet because i've read horrible reviews about it breaking after a week. ever since i advised her not to get it and she got it anyway, she's been reminding me how long it has lasted her (more than a year now!).
she gave rob and i one as a housewarming gift a couple of weeks ago, and i thought it was a funny, sweet gift ... but i didn't realize just how awesome it is! rob's been using it to make sandwich spreads and stuff since we got it, but i just learned how to use it this morning to make smoothies ...
OMG! it's so much easier and cleaner than the stupid blender. and now that i've seen what it can do, why would i ever use the food processor again? that thing is impossible to clean and the bullet is so easy!! it's literally going to basically replace two appliances in my kitchen.
if you don't have one and like smoothies and making sandwich spreads and hummus (who we do a TON of), then you'll love this thing. just make sure you follow the directions. i suspect so many of them break on people because they don't follow instructions ...