Mar 23, 2007 08:50
Wow.......I have not posted in months. Last time I was semi-happily married. As I post today I have officially been a single woman for 3 months. I have my roller coaster of emotions (doesnt help that we work for the same company and see each other EVERYDAY) but I believe I will be ok.
I guess I feel better writing out my feelings instead of constantly telling Sariochan about them, since she's trapped in a car with me on a daily basis I try not to dwell on the past. But how do you get over 3 years??!!! I have a great support system and always hear how strong I am....some days I dont feel that way. I sometimes lay home after a good work out and cry listening to songs we used to talk about, I really really want to sell our house, and just move out of the area completely. Granted it was MY first official home but we moved in together right away and viola...3 years into our relationship he decides raising someone elses kids isn't for him (especially since he never really raised his own 13 year old child) pays child support and sees her once or twice a year.
I'm just a case of ramble...blah blah blah
I have started seeing someone...but the questions are always there... Am I dating too soon?? Is he a rebound relationship?? I also feel like I should ask persmission to date.....Is that weird??
Geesh.............I guess I better get back to work, the boss keeps walking through my cubicle.