i like to write in this when i have a lot to do. which is why it's a good thing i have this. cause then, i can do it. oh, i gave one of my friends (rekha) my lj password (for vmars reasons) so if you ever read anything about how i touch myself in public, that's actually me...everything else is just crap she's making up to embarass me. ...
over fall break, i had a curse of insomnia so i was reading the midwood yearbook. i was reading all these things people wrote to me and everyone told me to rock cornell. so i wonder, am i rocking cornell? additionally, eugene told me he wanted to have a wax figure of me and that everytime he pulled the wax cecilia's arm, it'd say "yo bitch, i'm ghetto fabulous!" which is weird, because i never thought of myself as ghetto fab. haha...obviously, it's so beyond me i don't even realize it. another funny one was maggie saying that she didn't really know me too well, but what she knew about me she really liked. and then she told me to rock cornell (of course) and then she added in parentheses, "maybe i'll come visit you". for some reason, that's really funny to me. um, eric wrote me some deep cheesy message that i didn't really understand until i read it over fall break, which is sad but typical. sacha told me that we will forever be friends (true) and to bring my daughter to her wedding. haha... erm.
and then i looked at the twain yearbook and the little ad "the crew" put in it. and how we signed it with our tags: Masha, Hubie, Tinkerbell, Yumee, Pillzbee (hahahaha!!!!!!!) and Celibrum. and then i was like uh, wow, i'm like the only one whose jhs tag stuck and i thought it was sad for like a minute. and then i noted how it was kind of funny that we took our ad picture on pajama day...and also how car hasn't changed like at all. hah!
steph is in LA for work so i told her to get me a souvenir. she said that i would really like it there and then she said she wishes i was there instead of her. which i thought was a strange thing to say. i'm excited about thanksgiving. i think the apartment will be furnished by then and steph and charlie are cooking us thanksgiving dinner and they're really good cooks. and then the lumsters (+charlie) are going to take a walk on the promenade (which i haven't done since i was 13 or something and which i kind of dread because my mom walks really slow) and then dessert (fave part of every meal). my mom has already planned everything out which is also weird because she doesn't really like planning things.
i've been missing cambridge a little bit. andy, one of my housemates, emailed me and told me i just received a letter...JUST received a letter. that's strange. i wonder what it may be?! i was going to finally show everyone some pictures from my summer but then i thought otherwise. i realized i didn't really tell anyone what happened in england. and i don't know why, but i suppose it is what it is.
i wonder what funny things i wrote in people's yearbooks. i know that i drew little caricatures of everyone. i really don't want to study guys. i also realized that i'm pretty indecisive and apparently, that's a bad thing. shrug.
ok, peace out.
this is the cam and those boat things are called punts. people say, let's go punting! and i was like, uh i don't really care to kick around a football
cambridge was seriously bicycle crazy. you really had to be careful not to get hit by a bike when walking anywhere. and this is city centre..
my boyfriend's grandma's house..
my fave picture of london..
maybe i am ghetto fab (or constipated)
because marilyn is cool...
because i'm cool...