(no subject)

Sep 25, 2006 22:12

Ah, to the faithful followers of this lazy women's memoir...I am alive...but alas I am far from lazy...or perhaps I am the epitome of lazy.  Truth is work has consumed me.  I'm at the child care center and I would say I average no less than 10 hours per day.  Some days it flies by so quickly I don't even realize it's as late as it is, and other days Im wishing I could just pack it in and call it a night.  Fact is, my Assistant Director is new (like me) but she is a somewhat incompetent annoyance.  She can't handle the slightest bit of stress and she is barely as committed to the job as I feel I am.  I wonder if I am expecting too much...just because I'm willing to stay late and work extra...I shouldn't expect that from others...but at the same time I wish she would put in a bit of oomph, maybe so I can put in a little less once and awhile.  Wow, rambling.  Need it.  I simultaneously love and hate work each day.  Ugh, you can tell by reading this that it was a rough day.  On another day, another entry may read totally differently.

Got a haircut on Saturday and actually cried about it.  That is SO unlike me.  But I really hated that the lady cut it so short.  I didn't want short hair.  Tonight I colored it.  Not so thrilled with that either.  I guess I know what I think looks nice but I never think it looks nice on me.  It's a little redder than I thought...a little darker than I thought...ya know never looks like it does on the box.  Don't know why I'm surprised.

Glad I wrote this yet?  Cheery and inspirational no?

Anyway, in not such new news, I remain trapped in a prison of negative self esteem and it prevents me from doing things that I feel I might enjoy in life.  Do I desire to seek help (aka therapy) to free me from this painful place?  No.  I used to be in the therapy business after all and I know talking about it isn't going to do anything about it.  Please do not take this to mean that I don't feel therapy can be an amazingly helpful took - because I believe it can be.  Alas, not for me.  Besides, if I was mentally stable, what would I have to bitch about?

But I'm not all cloudy skies and sadness - I am thrilled, and I mean THRILLED, to say that I'm going to Disney with Cousin J on Friday.  We have planned a rather whirlwind extended weekend and I cannot even wait to pound the pavement in those parks and scarily ride the new roller coaster in Animal Kingdom - all by myself.  In other fun news I spent the last two Friday nights at Sweet Sixteen Parties for family.  Both nights were full of dancing and a bit of drink - great fun!

Something else I'm looking forward to, after Disney that is:  Going to see James Blunt with Rose at Radio City Music Hall.  She may have forgotten all about it but ABNS wrote it on the calendar.  Wish it wasn't a work night, so we didn't have to worry about rushing home after.  But I can't wait to hear him croon the songs I have loved and lived.

I didn't know Shane27 was moving to Portland...if this means there will be no move to Seattle, I hope he is happy with that, and I hope it means I will see him again soon.  I was thrilled to spot an entry by old pal Mr Benchly, only to have him disappear as quickly as he'd appeared.  If you're reading this Benchly, I miss ya.  And Bookish...thanks for looking for me.  Know that I am possibly your most faithful reader, though far from your most faithful responder.  Perhaps we could steal away sometime and go see someone we know in Portland.  We've road tripped together to see him in our previous lives.

It's doubtful I will write again before the amazing trip that lies just ahead...but I will no doubt have something to say upon my return.
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