Apr 04, 2006 12:55
This morning I overslept a bit. I debated calling in, I can’t say I was that “sick” but I wasn’t feeling 100%, but instead I called and left a message for my supervisor saying that I’d woken up late and I’d be in about ½ hour late. Turns out I got ready considerably quicker than I’d estimated and I wasn’t going to be as late as I thought. Well, knowing I’d already alerted work, and knowing that it doesn’t really matter when I get there since I don’t do much anyway (only half kidding), I took a bit of time to stop at Walmart to get my copy of the newly released (actually released today) Brokeback Mountain. This morning, as I was drying my hair I was thinking that it was almost comical that the gay cowboy movie was being released the same day as Walt Disney Productions Christian based epic, The Chronicles of Narnia. Hey, you know how you think of random and werid things while drying your hair. Anyway, I knew Walmart was to carry the Brokeback DVD as I’d seen it advertised at the door when I shopped at the store last week. So I entered the store and headed right to the customer service counter where I had to make a quick return. Across from customer service, right as you enter the store, there is usually a display of the new release. (This is where I purchased Rent two months ago.) I had figured when I got into Walmart, to save time, I’d be able to make my return at Customer Service, grab Brokeback from this display, hit the express register and then head to work. WELL, the display at the front of the store was huge, as usual, and was heavily decorated with movie posters, as usual…but was ONLY for Narnia!! As I’m waiting on the line for my return I flip through Walmart’s flyer, listed on the April 4th releases was a picture of the Narnia DVD and beside that, King Kong, which actually came out last weekend. So I head to the back of the store to the electronics and media departments, figuring the display was back there. And there was the huge Kong display, beside the huge Memoirs of a Geisha display…but no Brokeback. So I walked around and happened to spot, on one shelf of the island of DVDs devoted to Geisha, a few copies of Brokeback Mountain. What the hell is THAT about? I was angry…and even though I was late, I made the decision not to purchase the movie there, but to stop at Target, which I pass on my way to work as well.
So I drive to Target…it’s getting dangerously later and later…I park and run in, stopping at Customer Service also to make a return (yeah I buy and return a lot). I then head over to their videos where equally displayed were two rows of Narnia and two rows of Brokeback. I approached the display where a woman was standing with her toddler aged daughter, with a copy of Narnia in her hands. I said, “excuse me” as I approached and grabbed the DVD. The woman looked at me, looked at the DVD in my hand, and noticeably pulled her daughter toward her and said, “Come over here,” as she put significant space between them and myself. What the hell is THAT about?
I do not regularly practice Christianity, but I had nothing against the Chronicles of Narnia. I actually wanted very much to see it in theaters, even though I never got the chance, and I intend to watch it on DVD and most likely enjoy it. So using the same logic, Christians who do not regularly practice homosexuality should be able to watch and enjoy Brokeback Mountain. Now I know I am exaggerating a bit and many heterosexual Christians did, in fact, enjoy Brokeback. I know I am also making the gross assumption that this woman was Christian and offended by my purchase of the greatest gay cowboy movie ever made, but I had a bad taste in my mouth all morning about the whole experience…and it made me angry…and it made me write this…and Walmart can expect a letter as well! So there!