This one's for Benchly

Mar 17, 2005 20:56

I was never into the Apprentice. I swore it was another stupid show that I would not allow myself to get involved with. But this season when they were putting Street Smarts against the Book Smarts I was compelled to catch the first episode. And I watched and loved the heartiness (sp?) of those Street Smart Folk. Anyway, after watching that first episode and falling for John, who reminded me of actor Vince Vaughn, I was hooked. Two weeks ago I thought John was getting the boot and I knew that if it happened I would probably never watch the show again. Luckily Audrey and her unruly eyebrows dragged that fake packed suitcase out to the curb and got in the stand-by, staged taxi that takes them all away when they film that shot the day they move in. Anyway, last week John was like a John I've never seen before...and even I had to say, "He's done it to himself, but tonight he's gonna go." And well, yes, last week he did. The next morning Cousin J emailed me one sentence, "How do you feel about John?" To which I reponded:

From the beginning John was tall, cute and smart
We thought he played the perfect part
I weeped when I thought last week he was done
But instead it was Audrey to be the fired one
And so this week the game was played
Two team members changed and three stayed
Both teams contacted celebrities for awesome donations
But John came off as pompous during negotiations
He called Stephanie a fluffer and didn't let Erin speak
It was a completely different John that we saw this week

Chris considered John his long lost big bro
But it didn't matter to the girls, they knew John had to go.
In the board room they went to face the big boss
For it was Net Worth who suffered the loss
Chris and John were gonna battle to stay
But John really messed up, even I have to say
He was cute, he was tall and he started out good
But he can pack up his chain wallet and go back to the hood
Because in the end when it came down to the wire
The Donald didn't falter when he said...John you're fired.

* * *

Anyway, there are things to say and I have been absent for some time...but it's time for tonight's Apprentice.
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