ultra scary dreams

Mar 25, 2011 14:02

I dreamt that i was at a hotel in a foreign country and there was a dance party in a pool. this short little old lady kept bothering me, and she threatened to dunk me i the water, and my hair was like it is now, so i told her i didn't want to put my hair in the water because it owuld turn my hair green. she grabbed me and sunk to the bottom, getting my hair wet, so i pulled her out of the water, placed her head on the side of the pool and proceeded to punch her face and scream at her until her face was completely distorted, and she was mumbling and her neck was elongating as if it was putty, and i just kept punching her and hitting her and screaming hateful things at her. i let go and she sunk to the bottom, so i got out of the pool and left.


i woke up because i was dreaming of spiders, and there were spiders crawling all over my ceiling,  i was still in half-dream state and trying desperately to come out of it.


i was trying to move across country with a giant truck full of my stuff, and roland was there, and he decided to take the truck across this rickety old bridge to cross the freeway. it was wood slats, and we got out of the truck and were pulling it across, and it broke through, crashing down onto the freeway and across it to the side, and i was screaming and screaming, and the police came and we ran and ran and ran, ending up in the same hotel from my first dream, and we were on a terrace on the roof and paul was there and tyson was there and they had all these drugs, everyone got the same things, an i didn't know what they were but i took all the pills, and was getting dizzy, and was sure there was some e in it all, and everything felt good so i took ashes for a walk to the freeway, and the police had built these stairs down from the broken bridge to the freeway, a spiral staircase, and i walked ashes down the stairs and they were ferrying people across the freeway, but ashes bolted out in front of the traffic and got hit by a car, and i was high and screaming and she didn't die, but because ultra skeletal, her harness digging into her skin and i was screaming and hugging her and the police started questioning me and i woke up.

mr. tall, dreams, paul

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