Stupid idiot, or malicious wanker?
Link #1 - the David Blunkett random policy generator. random policies, clearly fictional and utterly insane.
Link #2 - Hm, I didn't realise the Sunday Herald was an English version of The Onion. Wait. It's NOT. Soulie, can I borrow a large number of stabbies? No, of course I won't kill anyone with them. Especially not members of the government.
"On Tuesday, Blunkett will fight in the Royal Courts of Justice in London for the right to charge victims of miscarriages of justice more than £3000 for every year they spent in jail while wrongly convicted. The logic is that the innocent man shouldn’t have been in prison eating free porridge and sleeping for nothing under regulation grey blankets."
From reading he sounds like more of a bastard every minute...
"Another controversial area for Blunkett has been civil liberties (which he famously described as 'airy fairy')"