Apr 22, 2004 19:29
they make me SICK.
ok. seriously. wtF!?! my parents seriously have mental problems or something...theyre to fucked up to realize that i need to communicate w/ actual ppl that ARENT insane before im even gonna cooperate w/ them...oy! im seriously gonna murder 1 of them soon if they dont fucking give me any priveledges!! [[haha theyre probly gonna end up reading this, so y not threaten them this way!?]] they disabled any way for me to go on aim & they even blocked my own lj! i had to like...go through a whole 5-min thing just to get to this point! g-d they piss me off...
well, to all of u that CAN read this, pls know that im sry taht i cant talk & all that shit...its all bc of my insane parents who have mental problems...w00t! hah.
& they still wont quit...