Andrewtopia.holeinmysockFebruary 22 2006, 23:01:43 UTC
I love how it always ends in moving away to an island. All any of us ever wants is to escape ninety percent of reality and take a handful of people with us. It funny to because over the years the handful always changes. I liked this entry because it's what I love about the whole live journal concept. Writing for yourself or strangers or to no one at all.
attempts at making blogging not completely masturbatorymsnvwlsFebruary 22 2006, 23:10:08 UTC
It's a shame the handful changes, too, because I can't count how many wonderful people I've known in my life that I don't talk to nearly enough anymore. That's the way of the world, though, and there will always be new fantastic people, or at least, you have to believe there will be, or you stop seeing the point in it all. Maybe that's my problem, maybe that's why I want to move away to an island. Come with me if I do.
Beginning again.holeinmysockFebruary 22 2006, 23:58:15 UTC
I think as we get older we all fell like we connect to less and less people and the ones we did are either different or just gone. It's such a sad way to look at the world, but I suppose that's one of the biggest things we as people have to deal with. We all make these huge emotional connections and then they just disappear and we never fully learn to cope with the loss.
I would be honored to be on your island. I hate that when you meet people via internet it's damn near impossible to ever really meet them. It's such a tease to know that people you would love to get to know DO exist, but your kept in one way or another from doing so.
I definitely feel you on that last bit - that's why this summer I've been talking a lot about getting some cash together and going across country, attempting to meet as many of you people as I can. lostcosmonaut made a list of 110 of his LiveJournal friends he's met, and I'd like to be able to do something similar, at least create a similar ratio of friends:friends met.
Oh Oh Pick Me...holeinmysockFebruary 23 2006, 01:18:10 UTC
I really want to go down south to Nawlins and Savannah. I plan to photograph both cities and I know like a million people who live down south. I just need the money and motivation and such. You should totally come to Chicago. We can go see jazz and latin bands play down on the lake on a big grass field. Better yet you should come to Lollapalooza just for the sake of saying you went to Lollapalooza. I bet it's going to be a rockin' good time.
It's funny you mention Savannah, seeing as I used to live there. I'd love to go to Chicago (and another LJ friend of mine, droptheneedle is in Chicago), so don't be surprised if I do show up there sometime. I'd insist on taking in a game at Wrigley, though, on top of all that stuff you mentioned.
Holy Cow!holeinmysockFebruary 23 2006, 02:04:57 UTC
I used to work at Wrigley Field. I have seen baseball played from every possible angle ever in that place. I also got the perk of meeting N*Sync and Jamie Lee Curtis. I guess I am just that cool.
It's such a surreal experience to see guys play there. You really can't understand the emotional charge until you feel if for yourself.
baseball mythology part IIholeinmysockFebruary 23 2006, 02:12:22 UTC
It's a shame that they are expanding the bleachers at Wrigley, but at least they are still up. I think everyone should see a game at all three of those parks before they die. seeing baseball in that atmosphere is the only way to really understand what the game did for people at the turn of the century. I love baseball.
you just moved up a notch on the awesome levelmsnvwlsFebruary 23 2006, 02:15:46 UTC
Baseball is truly a divine sport. Come time for the season, I will probably talk about it a lot in here, and when I talk about baseball, it can be more "spiritual" than when I talk about music, so be ready.
It's in my blood:holeinmysockFebruary 23 2006, 03:15:47 UTC
My mom played softball all through high school. I played from when I was eight to about thirteen or so. She goes to Cubs spring training camp every year. She went crazy when the Sox won the World Series and made me swear I didn't convert to their side. I didn't but I let her sweat it out. I might not have crossed over, but golly those were some swell games.
I didn't watch the World Series this year, because of lack of a TV and total apathy towards both the Astros and White Sox, though I kinda hoped that the Astros woulda won, just so Atlanta would've lost to the champs. That always seems to soften the blow of getting knocked out, to me anyway.
I would be honored to be on your island. I hate that when you meet people via internet it's damn near impossible to ever really meet them. It's such a tease to know that people you would love to get to know DO exist, but your kept in one way or another from doing so.
It's such a surreal experience to see guys play there. You really can't understand the emotional charge until you feel if for yourself.
aren't i cool
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