The year that my normally laid back life was turned upside-down. The year I changed my mind about who I am/who I want to be more times than in any other year of my life. A year whose range of emotions was far greater than in any other year in my life.
In 2005, I forgot why I love movies, why I made them and wanted to continue doing so for the rest of my life. In 2005, I remembered what films school could've never taught me: why I love movies.
I listened to more music in terms of both quantity and variety than I ever had before in 2005, and I'd like to say I expanded/improved my taste quite a bit. I probably didn't buy as much as I did in 04, though, since I have so many CD's that I don't even want anymore.
I started reading pretty heavily again in 05, and have been working at a steady pace of about a book a week since September. I haven't written as much as I did in 04 (or the years before that, for that matter), but what I have written has been better, and I'm improving all the time.
2005 was not the first time I fell in love (that was 04, too), but it was the first time that I fell in love right. 2005 provided me with the happiest time of my life (the summer), and it also gave me the loneliest.
In 2005, my mother moved away from Newnan and up to Toronto, and for a couple of weeks over the summer I went to visit her. Toronto was a really cool city, and I wish I had explored it more - you see, I was too homesick to really enjoy myself.
But that was another thing about 2005. 2005 was the year I really learned to love my home, my state, and everything about it. 2005 was the first time I felt like a real, live Southerner, and like being from bumfuck Georgia wasn't something to be ashamed of, but something to be proud of.
2005 was the year I spent several months living in a town that, to me, was hell, and 2005 was the year I escaped. If there was one thing I learned this year, it's that there's no shame or dishonor in returning home where things are safe and comfortable if you have to.
2005 was the year I learned, or rather, was taught, how to love myself, and it was also the year that I realized I could be by other people, too, and let me tell you - that's the greatest feeling in the world. In 2005, I made a lot of friends, but lost even more, but right now I'm okay with that.
This was the year I spent more time on the internet than in any other year in my life, and while I may still not be okay with that, I've learned to love this place. I nearly quadrupled the size of my LJ friends list, and I met a ton of great, excellent, wonderful people on this website, and I'm so glad to say that so many of them are my friends.
To honor my friends, and because I'm a psycho with way too much time on my hands, I took upon myself a labor of love. If we interact with anything approaching regularity on this site, I probably made an icon out of your face. If I didn't make one of you, it's because I couldn't find a picture of you (lj_llll111lll1l1ll). SO SEND ME ONE!!!
2005 was also the year my LiveJournal stopped being really boring and stupid and actually started being okay, but, as always, there is plenty of room for improvement. I want all of you, anyone at all who is reading this, to tell me how I can improve my journal. If you don't have a LiveJournal and read this, you should probably get one, but if that's out of the question, just leave an anonymous comment.
Poll Improving my journal Happy new year, guys. Hope it's great for you.